- Jul 20, 2003
- 21,263
broke into Bournemouth pier one night to give a hamster a viking funeral
got arrested
got arrested
From the top.
-Living in France:
Whilst trying to find my way home after Nouveau Beajoulaise (celebration for the new wines) day in France, I got a touch lost. I hitched a lift and was deposited at a night club with about 5 people inside. Sensing this wasn't home I departed and continued my search, I spotted a light on at a nearby chalet so sought directions, they opened the door but couldn't understand my limited French vocabulary. By this point I was getting a bit distressed as I was freezing cold and didn't have a coat so I took shelter in a chalet that was c still under construction, I dozed off. When I awoke I was wearing a huge bright yellow sou'wester?? I left the building to continue my search for home with no joy, as I wandered through the lonely streets a Gendarmerie vehicle approached, I thought my saviour had arrived. To my surprise the Gendarme jumped out of the car and charged at me, cracking me across the face with his baton(fracturing my nose)he threw me across the bonnet ofvthe car and hand cuffed me, bundled me in the back and drove me half an hour away to the nearest police station, I was interrogated for about an hour by armed police. I didn't have the foggiest idea what was going on. Eventually I was taken back to the car and driven back to Crest Voland (they obviously knew where the English were staying) and was dumped outside the hotel. I had to return to the police station the following morning with all of my ID and with my resort manager, they were given a bollocking and told I should be kept under control and not allowed access to alcohol. Apparently the people who I'd approached for directions called the gendarmes and reported me as a burglar. The Gendarmes also said I was lucky they didn't shoot me with rubber bullets.
- As a dare I once had my ball sack stapled to another mans legs, that was very messy.
- One particularly drunk night out I ended up behind the bar of the local pub, for reasons unknown to myself the only way people were allowed to purchase drinks was by paying with the exact change, the catch being that the customer had to balance all of the coins on my testicles ,which I would present on the bar counter? ?
I'll stop before I incriminate myself any further.
I love your work
You are the mayor of Toronto and I claim my £5
I once went through the 10 items or less checkout at Tesco knowing full well that I had 11 items in my basket.
Mind you I had been drinking Carling Black Label.
i once went through the 10 items or less checkout at tesco knowing full well that i had 11 items in my basket.
Mind you i had been drinking carling black label.
i woke up.....hmm.....that's not my ceiling........whaa......i can feel skin against my leg......this isn't my bed........where am i? .......turn head slowly........a girl..........hmm....i don't remember........peel back cover gently as not to wake her..............oh no.....she is horrific...
how am i to get out of here? oh no, she is starting to wriggle up to me......she wants more! oh no....please god........
Copy and paste the above fellas.