Right now there are no reported cases in Turkey but keeping an eye... more worried for my daughter than myself.
We are one of the best prepared countries in the world. i.e stocks of tamiflu etc. This flu is not like that of our usual winter flu. We as yet do not know how virulent it is. Good news is so far it seems to be mild. The deaths in Mexico could be due to local factors i.e an additional local level infection. Or due to less medical care i.e people are waiting longer to see Drs etc or not all.
I’ve seen the leaflets that will be sent out to every household very shortly.
Key messages, the flu virus cannot be contained. But its spread can be slowed if we all follow good hygiene practices.
Symptoms are sudden onset of fever, cough or shortness of breath. Other symptoms can include headache, sore throat, tiredness etc
see DH home : Department of Health
If you have the symptoms stay at home………don’t be a twat and struggle in. Yes, you might fight it off, but spreading it to someone whose immune system is weaker might kill them
Look out for your friends, neighbours and the elderley. Esp singletons. They tend to fall ill and cannot get out to see GP/A&E etc and obtain drugs. (My friend died this way)
Make flu friends. So that you can obtain drugs for them if they are too ill.
The swine flu information line 0800 1 513 513 will provide updated information on swine flu and at a suitable time inform on how to obtain antiviral drugs etc
Remember tamiflu needs to be taken within 48 hours of symptoms first showing for it to be effective
That post has literally scared the SHIT out of me now.
It pisses me off that no sooner than this shit emerges in the news, it already spreads to other countries. If a country like Mexico was completely shut down as soon as they were found to have the problem, then wankers traipsing back to their respective homes wouldn't be carrying the shit all over the World.
Humans are supposed to be smart but they still allow this to happen. Stupid, stupid human ****s.
Apparently the fact that we're heading into summer puts us at an advantage, as flu spreads less than during the winter. So Australia's screwed, but hey ho.
The fear of this disease is completely out of proportion to (a) your risk of catching it and (b) your risk of dying from it.
People are seemingly worried about being infected, yet still driving their cars to work each day (far greater risk of being involved in an accident), smoking cigarettes (statistically greater risk of long term health problems) and drinking alcohol at levels above what officials suggest is safe.
Normal flu kills plenty of people every year, yet I don't see a panic about that.
Is see your point. And more than likey the flu will die off. But, it is important to remember, i think, that Spainsh flu killed 50-100 million people world wide. That was 'only' 2% of the poeple that cought Spanish flu. IF it this new flu spreads to, say, everyone, there is a good chance that it could kill 2% again. Current death rate is about 7% i beleave. That is why the WHO and governments are worried about this.
Is see your point. And more than likey the flu will die off. But, it is important to remember, i think, that Spainsh flu killed 50-100 million people world wide. That was 'only' 2% of the poeple that cought Spanish flu. IF it this new flu spreads to, say, everyone, there is a good chance that it could kill 2% again. Current death rate is about 7% i beleave. That is why the WHO and governments are worried about this.
No. Hyped up media nonsense.