I typed one reply and a message said 3 letters too long or something, tried to edit and lost the message, had another try and it said your inbox was full.
Sorted now

I typed one reply and a message said 3 letters too long or something, tried to edit and lost the message, had another try and it said your inbox was full.
Don’t blame you. Lovely to have a special holiday after such a long stint working.
There’ll be many unvax’d teens/20’s at the game, Covid numbers are high in Brighton and Hove at the moment in that bracket, as we ease towards mass immunity.
All 25s terminate at the Steine now. But if you want to walk a bit further, you go into 'Scoomb and pick up a 49 and that will take you to Portslade. I imagine the 49s won't be quite as chocker as the 25s either, so may be more relaxed.
I was under the impression I have to show proof I'm double jabbed. Have the gol posts moved?
I was under the impression I have to show proof I'm double jabbed. Have the gol posts moved?
The lateral flow test reporting is an absolute joke. You enter the result of your choosing, they text/email back to tell you what you've just told them.
Anyone who wants to go to a game can just enter a negative result without even taking the test, if they were that way inclined.
Totally agree about the LFT per se in the UK.
I think there will be a lot of football fans who just see this as another necessary hurdle to overcome to gain entry. Pick up a free pack of lateral flow tests from the chemists. Open one, whack in your details on the gov website and enter the barcode and a negative result. 5 minutes later, receive text and email confirmation back that you're negative. Job's a good 'un.
They'll be zero social distancing, obviously in a crowd of thousands, and very little mask wearing. Fair play to anyone who just wants to go to the football again and take the Covid risk. Each to their own, and everyone has to strike a balance.
The measures put in place by the club are just tick box exercises really. Although to be fair, I can't see what else they can do, short of being honest and saying.... Enter at your own risk.
All 25s terminate at the Steine now. But if you want to walk a bit further, you go into 'Scoomb and pick up a 49 and that will take you to Portslade. I imagine the 49s won't be quite as chocker as the 25s either, so may be more relaxed.
Our group of 8 all going. Not looking forward to the train journey as many will not be wearing masks, experience of travelling a lot on trains recently, including Getafe and Burnley game. Almost no-one wore a mask at either concourse at those games.
Might go early to the Swan to beat worse of crowds.
Intending to get to the ground earlier than normal as the pre checks are going to add time, Getafe game we were herded through barriers for pre checks so hopefully they will have more stewards doing this and people are better prepared with Covid pass and ID prior to entry to the ground.
I’d like to say I was looking forward to it as much as the trip to Burnley but I’m not.
Hope I’m pleasantly surprised and proved wrong. It would be great to have a full ground.
As long as people are prepared at the COVID test gates, it's a smooth process.
It's the people who get to the front of the queue and then have to find their phone, and then have to find their ID that slow the whole process down.
Be ready, and it takes seconds