Well yes, in the meantime Ukraine keeps hitting arms dumps and airfields....long may the meantime continueYour theory could well be correct.
But it depends what the aim of all this political handwringing and tetchy discussions really was though. While your theory is more likely, there's a small part of me that thinks both Ukraine and the west have made it all up so that the Russians would take their eye off the ball. All the while Putin and friends are making changes to the nuclear doctrine - and think it's working - they won't feel inclined to actually launch one, will they?
You watched the video with Solovyev and Keosayan - Russia has worked itself up into a proper frenzy over the whole subject. What did Solovyev say right at the end? He said 'What if they strike the Kremlin again?'. He's worried. Well, not him necessarily. I meant whoever writes his script.
Meanwhile, Ukraine are hitting arms dumps all over Russia, with their new fancy Palianytsia. They scored a spectacular success at Toropets which, it must be said, is further away from Ukraine than Moscow. There's nothing like a bit of psychological warfare is there?

Yes, that video was a frenzy, I just never know how much is acting? 0, 50,100 per cent. It messes with my thinking!
And, as you say, the whole ATACMS discussion MIGHT be a smokescreen...but I just think Zelenskiy always plays with a straight bat.
Hmm, lots to ponder.