Well Peter, you looked in decent shape when I last saw you a month ago. Weight means bugger all really, it's all about your body shape innit.I'm doing it. 10000 signed up, 2000 places left. Bloody expensive though. Running 3 x a week at the moment, usually anything between 6 and 12 miles a time. Started running again about 6 weeks ago, not had a drink for over 3 weeks and haven't lost ANY weight at all. What's THAT all about?
Barnes Green Half Marathon next.
My advice would be to get yourself along to some 10k runs - they're everywhere, and the distance is quite do-able for even semi-keen runners. Once you've done 10k, the training schedule for a half marathon doesn't differ that much - generally speaking, you just need to factor in one extra long-ish run at the weekends (start at 7 miles, up to 12 or 13).Hmmm - if I can keep the running up, this one will come too soon for me. I've not been doing it very long, and I'm not really built for it, so am working on 5k distances at the mo. Hoping to build up to at least a half mara someday - but we'll see.
You plan on a sub 3 hour like me, so I guess there's a good chance of running alongside you, if not chatting about what a gayer he is.Im doing it, we can talk about how gay your brother is for 26 miles.