Well-known member
A fantastic movie called ‘Denial’ came out recently concerning the David Irving court about Holocaust denial. Believe the BBC helped produce it.
People are confusing the word denial with ignorance.
A fantastic movie called ‘Denial’ came out recently concerning the David Irving court about Holocaust denial. Believe the BBC helped produce it.
The lack of knowledge about the holocaust and the total number of Jews who were killed is understandable. The same people would not be able to tell you the name of Britain's leader during WW2 or manage to estimate accurately the population of London.
How much fxxking louder can I say it?
But because I put forward the idea that the Jewish community like to constantly take every possible benefit from every opportunity to remind the world of The Holocaust, and to claim anti-semitism when it may or may not be the case, that makes me anti-Semitic?
Fxxk off!
A fantastic movie called ‘Denial’ came out recently concerning the David Irving court about Holocaust denial. Believe the BBC helped produce it.
I know that the holocaust happened. I also know that the Jewish propaganda machine is constantly at work to keep their perceived version of anti- semitism in the headlines. Nothing to see here, move on people.
Time to move on and forgive and forget, no need to keep holding ‘remberance’ each year in my opinion, same with Poppy Day etc, always come ms across to me as attention seeking. How can we all try to get on in the world if each year we celebrate death and murder. Forgive, forget, move on.
Next week: What turkeys get out of Christmas.
I’d say it’s ok to remember if you want too but not make such a big hoo ha and song and dance each year with the wreath laying and services etc, just quietly remember in your head without affecting everyone else, but I understand this opinion will not be to everyone’s thinking, just to me it’s come to the point where it all just needs forgetting about.
Me to. i wish mrs DR would forgive and fourget finding me in bed with her sister and ocasionaly calling her by her sisters name when were having a jump as its a easy mistake to make as june and betty are very simillar
I have seen it. Rachel Weisz is terrible in it with some awful dialogue to spice up the facts but all the others are great.
They are forced to do it because of the levels of anti-semitism that exist both in this country and others. It is a level found higher amongst the upper echelons of society than down amongst ordinary working people. It is a prejudice of envy. it is a prejudice passed down by generations, who have continued to protect their place in the Establishment. It seeps into the blood of many of a privileged background. It is in the Public School, it is in the Civil Service, it is in the Foreign Office, it is in the corporate work-place and it is in political life in a huge way. Many deny it exists but they tend not to have studied history or have any appreciation of the workings of the Establishment in this country. It is protectionism. Protecting a way of life that has seen the same ' blue-bloodlines ' follow the same privileged career paths, irrespective of ability, for generation after generation.
The Jewish community have to bind together to help each other. In the past they have found obstruction and difficulty placed in their way. They are talented, clever and inventive. Too clever for some people. They are high achievers in many fields. Without them the fields of science, the arts, film, theatre, television, music, medicine, sport and education would be much the poorer.
The fact that anti-semitism is rife in political life demonstrates the agenda that still exists there. An agenda passed down by previous generations and that is why things have to change. Why this cossetted and privileged cabal has to be re-examined and if necessary reformed. If you do nothing , you allow the status quo to carry on. You allow this agenda to continue.
If you don't believe any of this, just ask yourself when was the last Jewish Prime Minister? and how many talented Jewish politicians have risen through the ranks but been unable secure the highest office. It was nothing to do with ability.
Jewish scousers must feel really put upon![]()
Time to move on and forgive and forget, no need to keep holding ‘remberance’ each year in my opinion, same with Poppy Day etc, always come ms across to me as attention seeking. How can we all try to get on in the world if each year we celebrate death and murder. Forgive, forget, move on.
You were serious with your first comment, then. I thought it was statbrother style dripping irony!
Personally I don't engage with the poppy business, but I'm certainly not going to forget we fought two world wars against Germany and that the EU adventure is part of the price we pay for no more wars in Europe (give or take). Others clearly don't understand this at all, and imagine we can leave the EU and just go around twatting Germany (and France and Italy) again if they don't give us what we want. As for suggesting we just forget the Holocaust and move on......the number of times I recall, even in the 70s, hearing 'but they really don't do themselves any favours' comments....'always wanting to be separate and different'.....'always blaming everyone else'.....'and just look how they treat the Palestinians'....'they bring it on themselves'....'I'm not antisemitic, I just oppose the state of Israel'......FFS. Seriously. It makes it much easier to be a little bit racist if we forget about the Holocaust....
I know that the holocaust happened. I also know that the Jewish propaganda machine is constantly at work to keep their perceived version of anti- semitism in the headlines. Nothing to see here, move on people.