RIP the 250,000th RIP post on NSC by a 5ft 11 in wally with a keyboard in his hands and a need to post trite rubbish, shuffling around in Southwick whilst the mothers of Mile Oak crys (sic) out loud completely helpless to do anything about it. If we are lucky this will be more or less the last RIP post but NSC posters have thin skins and sad lives.
To NSC's eternal shame.
The greatest Canadian of our time. Strangely no one in Canada has ever heard of him according to my Canuck mate Bandy
I know what you mean. It's a bit like whenever a horse wears a racing vest, I just see that horse as superglue.Any woman that wears a fur coat immediately becomes a Dog in my eyes.
Any woman that wears a fur coat immediately becomes a Dog in my eyes.
Won't somebody think of the whales?
Very apt description of the mothers a some (not all) Leeds fans I think. Mind you, that advert of a few years ago 'It takes 20 dumb animals to make the coat and one dumb animal to wear it' was one of the best adverts I have ever seen.
Good thread though.
shes a f***ing moose Speilberg and don't you forget it !!!
And Ray Stevens who brought us [yt]85krLPrWWTY[/yt]
Now available at all McDonalds in northern Canada - the McSealburger.
cod stocks have recovered a bit due to EC fishing quotas , the traditional areas like the North Sea are still depleted but the fishermen will tell you the reason for this is that the cod has moved further north into colder waters.The reason the cod stocks are on the verge of collapse is due to man, not seals. If there wasnt enough cod or food to feed the seals their numbers would reduce in accordance.
The Canadians with the seals are just as bad as the Japanese for their whaling "research!!!!!"
Will we be having 250,000 minutes of silence?
Has someone ever blown a seal? *very old joke alert*
Humans are responsible for their own actions, Animals have no control over mankinds murdering of their own kind so yes I do boycott Japanese goods and Canadian goods. Anyway thats my view which I hope people will respect and its a shame threads like this degenerate into personal insults ( whats that all about Buzzer ? ) and silly " jokes " but thats the NSC way nowadays.
Good day