Free will. He doesn't interfere unless he is asked.
Genuine question, are you saying that god would happily sit back and watch people suffer, get murdered and raped unless they ask for help?
Free will. He doesn't interfere unless he is asked.
If God was real, why doesn't he prevent bad things from happening?
Serves them right, obviously.Genuine question, are you saying that god would happily sit back and watch people suffer, get murdered and raped unless they ask for help?
And why would he make me an atheist?
Genuine question, are you saying that god would happily sit back and watch people suffer, get murdered and raped unless they ask for help?
Genuine question, are you saying that god would happily sit back and watch people suffer, get murdered and raped unless they ask for help?
Free will. He doesn't interfere unless he is asked.
Free will.
A pity that a lot of religious people don't let their kids exercise that same free will to decide whether or not they will follow a particular religion - instead of forcing them into following their own religion
I personally think it's a great shame that modern society is becoming atheist. Christian values are in part what made the the generations of the early 20th century so great. The loss of Christian values has been hugely detrimental to the morality and wellbeing of society.
Free will only applies to people. Bad Things can be caused by things other than people. why does God not intervene in those cases? unable or unwilling to?
Christian Values are not solely for Christians and that is the problem they are human virtues and values for a caring modern society nothing Christian about them, they existed long before Christianity or any other religion.
Free will. He doesn't interfere unless he is asked.
I'll have to have a word with my female Vicar about this, she hasn't threatened any of us with Hell in ages!
I'm a cultural Christian. I like the architecture, art, music and history of the Christian religion. Evensong at St Mary De Haura or in the KIngs Chapel at Hampton Court Palace is one of the most beautiful experiences one can imagine. But I am not a believer in any way, shape or form.
It was written in Greek, which was widely spoken in the Middle East at the time, and has mentions in Roman history such as Pliny and Tacitus. The latter wrote about Nero in July 64AD when the 6 day fire in Rome started, Nero blamed Christians and had them persecuted. The description of Jesus was in that Annal.
Philo and Josephus were Jewish historians who wrote about Jesus and were not Christian.
There is a stone in the Israel museum which was dug up by archeologists which mentions Pontius Pilate as procurator of Israel.
Luke is the anglicised version Lukas, Matthew Matthias (Hebrew) John (Hebrew) Yohanen (J & Y are interchangeable in a lot of languages) Mark is easy because it is Marcus.
Once again still not proof of god.peiple beleived all kinds of **** throughout history , history is only one point of veiw its always written by the winners. dragons,witches etc just some people have kept this one going . Shakespeare wrote plays based on historical figure that were factually incorrect and just that Stories. Did George really kill a dragon? Hoe absyrd but a man in the sky looking down on us even though we can see billions of light years into space ,yeah seems legit
Nothing wrong with appreciating the beauty of christian music and song and not believing in Christ as your Lord and Saviour.
Why is death seen as an evil outcome? Sometimes life can be short, sometimes long. But for someone to die, no matter what scenario it is, it was a guaranteed outcome at some point or another.