Maybe a nun thought that one up?
Maybe a Pope did?
Maybe a nun thought that one up?
This is an example of what the French anthropologist, Marcel Mauss, in his Essai sur le Don, called "reciprocity"."Thank you very much."
"No problem - it's the least I could do."
Well, thanks a f***ing bunch! So I'm supposed to be grateful that you've just done the least you could do!!!
This is an example of what the French anthropologist, Marcel Mauss, in his Essai sur le Don, called "reciprocity".
When a gift is given, something must be given back in exchange, otherwise a debt lingers on, with the potential to damage the relationship between giver and receiver.
The fact of giving creates a debt and an imbalance in the relationship between the giver and the receiver. Hence the phrase "it is better to give than to receive".
"It's the least I could do" effectively denies the existence of the gift and avoids both the need for it to be repaid and the need for the imbalance in the relationship to be acknowledged.
Wikipedia explains this in more detail:-
The giver does not merely give an object but also part of himself, for the object is indissolubly tied to the giver: "the objects are never completely separated from the men who exchange them" (Mauss). Because of this bond between giver and gift, the act of giving creates a social bond with an obligation to reciprocate on part of the recipient. Not to reciprocate means to lose honour and status, but the spiritual implications can be even worse: in Polynesia, failure to reciprocate means to lose mana, one's spiritual source of authority and wealth. Mauss distinguished between three obligations: giving - the necessary initial step for the creation and maintenance of social relationships; receiving, for to refuse to receive is to reject the social bond; and reciprocating in order to demonstrate one's own liberality, honour and wealth.
Incidentally, one of the more bizarre transactions of my student life was going into a bookshop to order a copy of the English translation of Essai sur le Don.
Me ... "I'd like to order a book called The Gift, please".
Sales Assistant ... "What's the name of the author?"
Me ... "M Mauss".
Sales Assistant ... "Is that Mickey?"
"Little things please little minds" was how it came out in my household.