...not watched the video but wasn't the second amendment was written when US citizens were armed with muskets that took 3 minutes reload after each shot.
Not really transferable to a country in love with automatic assault weapons!
dingobat, do you understand the concept of a stawman arguement? look it up, try to understand and review your videos. then, when you fail to grasp the complexities anyway, go away and join the Alabama Militia or somewhere that you can exercise your right to bear arms where it might be vaguely relevant.
We hated it when the Bloke running for president casted an opinion on how our Olympic preparations were going, and Pier's is 100 times more arrogant and controversial with his comments. So I can understand how Pissed off they are, that aside allowing the general population to own semi automatic weapons will lead to this kind of disaster time and time again.
But doesn't he present a news programme out there? In that case he should be making comments one way or another shouldn't he?
Fair point, not that I've seen his show,i've only read a news clip. Portraying himself as judge and jury won't help the situation
He is sanctimonious. He just happens to be talking sense on this occasion, not that the NRA will listen.
This, he needs to drink a large glass of mind his own f***ing business.Always a tricky one one a non-resident in position of influence speaks out in a controversial subject. Plenty do in this country and the first thing people do is chuck the foreigner card at them and to some extent I agree. If you can't vote in said country then don't abuse your position as a guest-worker. That includes you Piers! Especially if there's any remote chance they'd send him back to us!
This, he needs to drink a large glass of mind his own f***ing business.