Cheeky Monkey
Well-known member
- Jul 17, 2003
- 24,005
Fab Macca Wacky Thumbs Aloft
I was making reference in point of fact to the depths of vacuity in the Macca Ouvre. If you recall how the troubles started, initially the troops were sent in to protect the Catholics from sectarian attacks by Protestants (triggered by 'outrages' such as allowing Catholics to be employed by big employers such as Shorts that traditionally goave jobs to loyalists only). Due in part to the Catholics (and IRA of course) turning against the soldiers, and the loyalists and soldiers finding they had common cause, within months the landscape had completely changed. At no point in this narrative was giving Ulster to Eire ever anything more than simplistic waffle. Pub talk. Not even hat - fifth form common room talk. Hippy talk, maaaan. Listen to the track. It's a typical Macca nursery rhyme, full of platitudes, but the 'message' is so out of kilter with reality, and with that nursery rhyme tune, it is actually shocking.
Sad that this thread has rather de-railed a tribute to one of our few surviving National Treasures, watched McCartney At The BBC on sunday and it was very enjoyable, I had forgotten how good he was...( Mostly !)
Almost every music star with a long career has something in their back catalogue that they probably regret.... Bowie did The Laughing Gnome remember ?
Yes but he didn't do 'Give the Laughing Gnome back to Jimmy Savile so he can put a smile on the faces of all the children' though.
Yep, you can really see why he was the driving force behind the Beatles .............................Same old rehashed tabloid BS, mate down the pub said…didn’t get an autograph…
The guy is an underrated genius…Ram the best album any of them made post Beatles break-up. He drove the Beatles, was it’s engine room, captain and fuel. Amazing how under appreciated he has been mainly due to gossip and heresay.
Yep, you can really see why he was the driving force behind the Beatles .............................
To be fair, neither McCartney or Lennon would have had much success had they not previously been Beatles.
I think it’s fair to say neither could escape that assumption.
He did go right wing, talk up Hitler and the far right and say the country needed a dictator or some such bs though.
I think hippyish simplicity is much more preferable
His ex wife Heather can certainly drink, I don’t know where she puts it…she must have hollow legs.
Arrogant prick.
Used to come in my pub when waiting to pick up his daughter.
Not surprised he was grumpy if you were trying to pick up his daughter![]()
Same old rehashed tabloid BS, mate down the pub said…didn’t get an autograph…
The guy is an underrated genius…Ram the best album any of them made post Beatles break-up. He drove the Beatles, was it’s engine room, captain and fuel. Amazing how under appreciated he has been mainly due to gossip and heresay.
First hand experience as well.
Yes, well, very much sounded like it takes 2 to tango. As for a brother-in-law, never happened before not getting on with the Sister's husband...some people love living off the stories of others.
In truth he probably dislikes his sister more so there's certainly no sibling love there. He definitely hasn't defended her in her part of the very public split. Also while Shane maybe her brother he certainly doesn't live off the story. He used to look after her mansion when she wasn't around and especially when she rented it out for parties. She treated him like crap so he left. He used to drink in the local pub, a quiet village one. As far as gossip, he would certainly not spout off to all and sundry. In fact I used to hay off her fields but she become such a pain I stopped.
You may not like hearing some truths about an idol, personally I don't like the fake Scouse accent he adopted later in life, nearly as bad as Cilla Black's
He asked me one day if I could make him an sandwich. I said sorry the kitchen was closed. He got really grumpy so I said to him do an autograph for my barmaid and I’ll make him a sandwich. He said he doesn’t do autographs so I said I don’t make sandwiches when the kitchen’s closed.
I know Heather’s brother Shaun and the stuff he said he used to do was horrendous.
Heather still owns a mansion in the village though hasn’t lived there for a number of years.
Their daughter used to go to Battle Abbey School