Greg Bobkin
Silver Seagull
- May 22, 2012
- 16,948
That pretty much is the story of my day too, but about 20 mins behind you. Started off reasonably well, but began to slow around mile 15 and died on my ars at the power station (who's idea was it have mile 21 over there!). Last 6 miles very tough and ended up 4:28 when I wanted 4:10. London this weekend and trying to think tactics, probably going off slower is a good idea. I hope now that i have 26 miles in my legs, it will come as less of a shock to my mind/body this Sunday! Any advice welcome, or anyone else doing both got thoughts?
I normally don't mind the power station – the family are normally there, which gives me a boost – but I was well gone by then yesterday. I'm running London too, and trying to convince myself that it will go a lot better and that maybe not the planned 3:45, but sub-4 is on. I've already decided to drop to 9min/miles from 8:30s – even though I'm normally really comfortable at the faster pace.
I think yesterday proves that anything (good or bad) can happen on the day, so to a point, it's not worth worrying about.
Well done for Brighton and good luck for VLM.