I realise in a thread filled with marathon heroes and running gurus this is a LITTLE pathetic....but I've been signed up to do the Brighton half next Feb.
I've never run more than 5k and even then I didn't like it and found it difficult. Breathing wasn't so much the issue. It was just LEG tiredness and sheer BOREDOM. I'm a lanky so and so and felt tightness in my legs quite early.
Anyway, whats the best way to train for this? Is it simply running my 3 mile comfort zone at the moment and then add a mile a month? or is that far to softly softly?
Again, apologies for the pathetic nature of my post. I can't even claim this is an "amazing challenge" as I'm not "overweight" or "old"..... So really I'm just a wimp.
You are being very harsh on yourself. 99% of the population have never run a half marathon.
I would build up gently. Commit yourself to a few 10k's and perhaps a 10 mile race too. Aim to get out 2-3 times a week, and enjoy it!
Consider a race schedule, sites such as runnersworld.co.uk have them for the half marathon, and the full too!
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