I havn’t seen the film but I read about this. Am I correct in thinking the plane insurance company was behind this as they wanted to avoid paying out?You’re welcome. Some of the coverage reminds me of the film Sully about the pilot who landed a plane on the Hudson in an emergency.
The film is about how crash investigators set about “proving” pilot error by making decisions based on current knowledge rather than acting on the information available at the time. They proved that he did not have to land on the river as he could have got to an airport. The bloke was sent to trial about it. Eventually people proved that the only way he could have made it to the airport to land more safely were if he had reacted immediately and done that. This would have not given him time to do all the checks he was supposed to do as part of the safety protocol so if he had got to the other airport he would have done the wrong thing based on what was known at the time. Great film.