Moulding Generation Z
What bothers me is these turds who get shirty, then when a good guy comes in to stop it, they can't turn off the red-line blood pressure and get into it with them as well. It turned one doorman friend of mine into a dangerous heavy monster - he'd lay out any redfaced twat who was out of control then be jumping on their head once they were down - and HE had to be stopped!
Another friend though, is my self-defense trainer, and he works door as well. He's hilarious though - if anyone faces up to him it's over in a few swift moves....and often there's more than one lad got taught the hard way!
The last time I got in a spot of bother, a doorman came to feel my collar and I shrugged and walked - no need to involve any more, and the perpetrator had to recover his faculties and his pride without me there to watch. The lad was clearly trying to impress his company and failed, even gobbing off about "these old guys" he was accusing of saying something. It must have been embarrassing for him, facing his pals after that. No respect though, the youth of today.
I trained in Krav Maga as a continuation from JJ, plus some Karate (no bloody use in real life!) and Kung Fu (lovely if the person you are dealing with either stays still or follows the rules/appreciates the lovely forms you are throwing out), and as you say, when it's done quickly and effectively, the person on the receiving end is never quite sure what happened! Krav is brutal and effective, and solves a problem with as little drama as possible. It's not pretty but it does the job. A bit like Whing!
You are right about it all involving ego and machismo, I don't understand the need to prove yourself, especially when there is a damn good chance that you will come off worse. Again, especially when it's doled out by someone old enough to be their Dad/Grandad! I was dropped to the floor in a training hall by a bloke around 80 years old with pressure points and I hardly saw it coming - and by the time I had, I couldn't move through a combination of pain and laughter - and sheer embarassment!