Common as Mook
Not Posh as Fook
- Jul 26, 2004
- 5,645
- Thread starter
- #141
Point #1
People drive cars because we've bred a society of lazy f*ckwits who wouldn't walk even if their journey is under a mile.
Once you have that mentality then a train or bus that drops you 500 yards from your destination will be dismissed because you'd rather take your beloved car and park it on the doorstep.
Point #2
If a bus costs £50 to travel a single journey and 10 people use it then the bus company needs to charge £5 each.
If the same journey is done with 50 people on the bus then the bus company can charge £1.
Getting people out of cars and on to public transport and the cost of public transport dropping - it has to happen in that order because the bus company can't drop the price if the extra passengers don't materialise.
Yes, this is pure ideology but it benefits the whole of society and therefore its not actually a bad ideology to have!
Convenience and speed benefits me and I would argue society as a whole. It's quicker for me to drive somewhere than get the bus. This may sound a bit wanky, but my life is hectic enough as it is without having to wait for a bus to stop 87 times before I get to my destination.
Car usage is here to stay, it's time the powers that be realised this and stop making life difficult for those who are actually trying to achieve something in a day.