Looks like you got a copy of the leaked memo too.the strategy at present seems to be to get people just scared enough to take sensible precautions without causing panic
Looks like you got a copy of the leaked memo too.the strategy at present seems to be to get people just scared enough to take sensible precautions without causing panic
Agreed.A level of caution is completely sensible, granted. Diseases of any kind should of course be treated with respect, and the necessary steps taken to deal with said diseases.
Yes of course some posts here have been over the top. One poster is suffering from anxiety issues and thinks half the world is going to die. Contrast that with others who are saying 'it's just a cold'. As usual, the truth is more likely to be in the middle and most people appear to be saying something along the lines of 'this is very serious, and actions need to be taken or a lot of lives will be lost'.However, there are people on here - and in society - with real anxiety problems and some of the statements you read on here and hear in the press are very foolish and irresponsible. Scare a herd of sheep and it will do stupid things.
So that's Italy. What about France and Germany? Do you think we're more like Zhejiang than France and Germany?
I think the effect of the virus might end up with the opposite affect making governments and businesses think about future resilience which in turn brings some production back closer to home, in the medium to long term be of a benifit to UK after exciting the EU time will tell
Pictures or it didn't happenPersonally, I’m going to wrap myself in clingfilm.
Not because of covid-19, just because I fancy it.
You didn't, and I didn't say you did, but you did compare us to Zhejiang, saying that their population was similar and that they didn't have many cases and only had one death. I don't think Zhejiang is the most appropriate place to compare us with, due to the extreme measures of isolation they've taken there.No and where have I said that.
China was, but Zhejiang wasn't, and they took measures quickly there.China was ground zero and like Italy it wasn’t addressed as quickly as it should have done.
Yes I agree. We're culturally different to Italy, and we're probably also now being more cautious because of what we've seen in Italy. But I don't think we can expect things to play out here as they have in Zhejiang.They kiss cheeks in France and I’ve seen it done it Bavaria. The pint I was making is that culture will have an effect on transmission.
Yes of course some posts here have been over the top. One poster is suffering from anxiety issues and thinks half the world is going to die. Contrast that with others who are saying 'it's just a cold'. As usual, the truth is more likely to be in the middle and most people appear to be saying something along the lines of 'this is very serious, and actions need to be taken or a lot of lives will be lost'.
He says let it run its course.
Well, now I KNOW I'm in the wrong because I agree with Boris. Let it do what it's going to do, crack on with your life and hope you and your elderly relatives aren't impacted at any point. The chances of them dying because of Covid-19 is currently less than 1% of confirmed cases in the UK. Probably a reasonable risk to take.
It's worth tracking this to see where the hot spots are.
But they haven't updated it today.
Personally, I’m going to wrap myself in clingfilm.
Not because of covid-19, just because I fancy it.
Well, now I KNOW I'm in the wrong because I agree with Boris. Let it do what it's going to do, crack on with your life and hope you and your elderly relatives aren't impacted at any point. The chances of them dying because of Covid-19 is currently less than 1% of confirmed cases in the UK. Probably a reasonable risk to take.
For the first time in my entire life I actually trust Johnson with this.
Jesus . I can’t believe I typed those words. I take a small quantum of solace knowing that it’s nit actually an idea he thought of, it’s just born out of his innate instinct to do nothing.
Johnson isn't running this. He's a spokesperson. I trust the medical experts who are handling this. As long as he and his cohorts just listen we should get the best outcome. It'll get worse before it gets better though.