English & European
What the **** is wrong with this shower of shit
Face mask mandatory now? Why not months ago?
How does anyone have any faith in this lot?
Why do we always do thing different to the Global advice?

What the **** is wrong with this shower of shit
Face mask mandatory now? Why not months ago?
How does anyone have any faith in this lot?
Bus was pretty full today, why not whilst in the shops? Why not as the advice changed last week?
It’s just more scatter gun policy.
I’m not against masks, but people have been travelling on public transport for weeks.
Bus was pretty full today, why not whilst in the shops? Why not as the advice changed last week?
It’s just more scatter gun policy.
I’m not against masks, but people have been travelling on public transport for weeks.
Most shops will limit people entering and enforce social distancing, its impossible to socially distance on most tubes or buses, and it will be even more difficult on the 15th when usage will go up massively.
I get what you’re saying though I wore a mask on the bus the other day and I was surprised that nobody else was, it was very empty though and people were well apart so I don’t think it was an issue then, it will be an issue if nobody does when the usage increases.
So, there was no answer who was going to police the wearing of masks on public transport, nor who is going to stop those who legitimately don't have to wear one from getting bullied... Or will they have to wear a sign, saying "it's alright, I'm disabled"... Another poorly thought through process which appears to fly in the face of so much advise from elsewhere!
Someone must smoke a lot of cigarettes in cabinet, as there seems to be a mountain of fag packets for policy changes to get written on!
Highest number of new cases in Brighton and hove since april. 8 in a day. It's an Argus report and I've maxed out my argus reading so cant read further detail
Am I reading this correctly
The total number of confirmed cases has risen by eight in a single day, the largest daily increase since April.
8? The Argos reports as a “sharp rise”
Am I reading this correctly
The total number of confirmed cases has risen by eight in a single day, the largest daily increase since April.
8? The Argos reports as a “sharp rise”
no we cant, we rejected the surveillence requirement.
It’s the usual Argus clickbait. 8 does mark an increase but without the exact details of this it’s difficult to know if this is one of those clusters for example a group who might have broken the rules and all caught it in one go, a family household of 8 or is it 8 individuals unrelated?
Even so, 8 in a 300000 population doesn’t exactly constitute a sharp rise, given the freedoms we have now a compared to the 8th April clusters of infections is to be expected. Media and newspapers have angered me so much throughout this whole thing.
theory is people feel they need them to have confidence to go out, which only works if pretty much everyone is wearing them.
Because the 15th is when non essential shops open and they’ll be a lot more people commuting to work and going to shops, most public transport everywhere at the moment is empty.
Am I reading this correctly
The total number of confirmed cases has risen by eight in a single day, the largest daily increase since April.
8? The Argos reports as a “sharp rise”
It’s the usual Argus clickbait. 8 does mark an increase but without the exact details of this it’s difficult to know if this is one of those clusters for example a group who might have broken the rules and all caught it in one go, a family household of 8 or is it 8 individuals unrelated?
Even so, 8 in a 300000 population doesn’t exactly constitute a sharp rise, given the freedoms we have now a compared to the 8th April clusters of infections is to be expected. Media and newspapers have angered me so much throughout this whole thing.
The argus have a complete gem today. They have conducted a survey of 1000 people and 85% want a localised lockdown of brighton and hove
I reckon most of those just don't want out-of-towners charging down to Brighton beach.The argus have a complete gem today. They have conducted a survey of 1000 people and 85% want a localised lockdown of brighton and hove
I've been following that number on a daily basis for about 6-8 weeks. 8 is quite high for recent weeks, when it's been rising at the rate of 2 or so a day, but it puts us on 457 and, given this only kicked off big time just over two months ago, it puts that into perspective. This means it was rising probably 20/30 cases a day at the high point. The 8 figure is moderately alarming, but it will have to be sustained for a while at that or higher levels for it to be concerning.
The Argus are just trying to sell papers, and fear sells. As does football. They don't really do too much else, and that's why they're dying a slow death.
Could this be an explanation from b&h independent
But Alistair Hill, director of public health for Brighton and Hove City Council, says the numbers of new infections in Brighton is so low that it’s impossible to calculate an accurate R number.
Last week, the app calculated the R number for Brighton and Hove was 1.68, the fourth highest figures in the country – but this was based on a rise of confirmed cases of just eight, from 10 to 18.
He says he expects the rate calculated by the app to rise in the coming weeks purely because results from the Amex testing centre will begin to be included in official figures
And tests – and therefore confirmed cases – will also ramp up when the test and trace system begins in earnest.