The modellers say the more successful China are now (and the isolation has been draconian) the worse the second peak will be in the autumn (we are not predicted to have a second peak, owing to the decline in new cases due to there being too few folk, not previously exposed to the virus, to do the spreading - so called herd immunity).
You are exactly correct. Herd immunity requires either that most people are vaccinated or most people (still alive) have had the disease and recovered. Simple isolation will work only if you stay isolated. Forever.
Is this true? The bit about us not having a second peak I mean. I think the risk here is that 70% of people in London will have been exposed, but say only 20% of people in Sussex, and 10% of people in Yorkshire, and as restrictions are lifted, it is the shires that are affected badly as they don't have the density of medical facilities etc.
I am of course hypothesising.