Trust the science and expert advice or trust the internet. It's a tricky one.
Because there is no science, or expert advice on 'the internet'.
Trust the science and expert advice or trust the internet. It's a tricky one.
"OAPS shouldn't go on international cruises" - no shit!
Early signs that absolutely nothing changes. Elderly or at risk not to go on crises and school trips abroad cancelled. That’s about it apparently
History will judge whether this country has already left it too late to take decisive action and is now sitting on its collective hands (after washing them of course)
Just imagine Corbyn or May being in charge....
Given his mendacious track record, I wouldn't bet on his honesty.A politician being totally open and honest, isn’t that what we have been crying out for?
I have not been a big Boris fan but he’s doing OK in the current crisis imo
Chances are that most of us are going to be getting this virus sooner or later imo
Just had to google efficasity-thanks Boris
Used in a sentence-
The efficasity of intravitreal bevacizumab injection for macular edema due to retinal vein occlusion
Glad thats cleared up.
Given his mendacious track record, I wouldn't bet on his honesty.
Yes, trying to imagine them evading, blustering and coming up with fatuous soundbites is almost impossible to do.
I'm suggesting there is no reason to believe him.You suggesting he’s lying on this then?
Laughable innit.
A small number on here.... and governments around the world.![]()
Trust the science and expert advice or trust the internet. It's a tricky one.
What they are saying makes sense, and other national governments don't seem to be considering the logic.
If other governments are going into "lock down", while still very much pre-peak, their populations are going to start to wane when it comes to following the instructions, and by the time the peak arrives they will have people who have lost their resolve and become fed up. Their measures taken now will be less effective when they matter the most.
There is nothing about that which doesn't make sense. The real question isn't why our govt isn't following others. It's why others are not accounting for the fact that when their peak hits, their populations will be weeks into these measures and some people could potentially have significantly let their guard down.
How much tolerance do you think people have for staying home and isolating? a month? three months?
It's going to be harder than people think, we are chosing to sprint at what will be identified as the correct moment, others are chosing to expend their energy now. Understandable, but very possibly a mistake.
It just means effectiveness - the word anyone normal - trying to actually INFORM his audience, rather than trying to come across as 'clever', would have used.
Is it though ?
Someone on NSC has already said they are worried about a cruise being cancelled his wife, children on one or other of their Mums - several pointed out not really a good idea for an older person to go on a cruise.
Cruise ships are lethal in this type of scenario, I would have thought a responsible action for Cruise Companies would be to cancel them all.
Carnival / Princess have announced exactly that.