I won't step on the scales until the 8th but I reckon I'm doing ok.How's everyone doing after a few days and heading towards a game (pie warning)?
My sweaty indoor running in my mum's lounge inspired me to try some outside running again - I've not been since I broke my c150 running streak in early September due to a foot injury.
My foot still hurts, but it's bearable so I've run outside the last three days, including running back from my mum's house back to my home on the icy pavements this morning.
This will help offset the reduction in my dog walking whilst I'm largely living at my mum's. Normally I'd do three dog walks a day for a total of about 8 miles. Currently, I'm just doing one walk of about 3 miles.
I'm also booze-free so far this year. I was VERY tempted to get a bottle of red last night, but I resisted. Yay me!