Huge Member
- Oct 19, 2003
- 18,638
This ^
I always maintained that even though Corbyn was an incompetent and unappealing leader, many of his policies would be considered mainstream centre-Left in much of Europe - some nationalisation, slightly higher tax on the rich, and a couple of workers on the boards of companies to have a small say in the decisions (which affect them) and improve democracy in the workplace.
Germany has a state-owned railway and worker-directors, for example, yet their leader, Merkel, is a Conservative (Christian Democrat).
The fact that these policies were portrayed as Communist in Britain shows have far to the Right we have moved, certainly on economic issues. It also shows just how powerful much of the press is in defining what is 'acceptable' or 'extremist': the extent to which so many people take their political cues and views from rabidly pro-Conservative papers like the Daily Mail, Daily Express, The Sun, Daily Telegraph, and The Times is astonishing and depressing - and then (without any irony) they'll complain about Left-wing bias in the media and people being indoctrinated or brainwashed!
Most of our national newspapers are owned by billionaire business-men who are naturally hostile to any form of socialism, and so they convince their readers that any policies to tackle poverty, clamp-down on corporate tax-dodging, stop the selling-off of public services to private firms (who are often donors to the Conservative party), tackle homelessness and unaffordable housing, and slightly improve workers' rights or democracy in the workplace, are the work of the Devil, and will turn us into a basket-case like North Korea.
... and they do all this while convincing their readers that 'the media' is biased toward the left.
We all lap it up.