Without wanting to put words into [MENTION=5208]drew[/MENTION]'s mouth, he's saying that if you act early and strictly, you prevent the virus getting out of hand and can come out of lockdown earlier (hence drew indicating that Starmer was calling for locking down earlier -- which is what happened), whereas if you react too late, it'll lead to a longer, stricter lockdown.
Hi, I did understand that. In an ideal world, early lockdowns, beat the virus, businesses reopen and and stay open ad infinitum.
In reality I haven’t seen that happen in heavily and densely populated nations in Europe. Many reasons - new variants, travel’s inevitable (all EU nations allowed it for long stints), people secretly breaking all the rules.
This time last year my hope was that Germany and the Czech Republic would be the model for the UK for future variants and

Today’s posts in this thread have highlighted to me:
- People in the nation angry that Starmer believed in lockdowns, supported Boris.
- People in the nation seeing Starmer as a saintly hope who would’ve prevented lockdowns.
Imho all politicians in the pandemic have faced a no-win. A pincer attack from anti-lockdown/business and freedoms must come first types and we should should severely lockdown until CV19 is totally beaten.