Not awoke
Just feels so damn good to have some Old Labour values to believe in again finally, rather than be faced with a line-up of ToryLite Blue Peter presenters. Corbyn might well crash and burn. There's certainly a massive Tory press gathering out to get him earlydoors. Pretty large New Labour whisperings also. But at least he will give it a real good go, same as Syriza did in Greece. And he'll win a shitload of points over Cameron in the Commons just by calmly, honestly and eloquently speaking up on behalf of those currently being bullied on the sharp end of the Tory austerity measures. Who knows, maybe the odd fully-deserving banker will have the shit kicked out of them in th ecourts. Or maybe the odd multi-national will be forced to pay a bit of tax. This time around, things CAN only get better.
Perhaps he should turn up for more than one in five PM questions?