I think my company are in for a rough ride in the on trade, but off trade sales are going to soar. We are already bottling/canning a lot more. As I'm a draught quality manager I could have a lot of time at home!
We're working on a live stream version of lap dances so the girls can perform over the web. But the dancers don't seem much worried about the dangers of catching Coronavirus so at present they say that they'll simply carry on.
Won't be long till all zero hour contracts are exactly that, god knows how people will cope
I’m a farmer and fortunately people will always need to eat. But I can’t produce more as we produce what we produce. The job is pretty isolated too. Main worry is getting the virus as I pretty much keep the whole thing going and if I’m out of action there’s not much backup.
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I will be fine. But I have a lot of concern for others due to the huge downturn in trade and/or enforced closures. I know bar and cafe workers and owners who are now seriously worried for their jobs and businesses. A dancer who also works in my local cafe has seen all 4 of her future performances pulled....and her cafe hours reduced. A musician/artist I was with on Thursday night had a number of festival shows pulled this week. A friend works for Virgin, another recently set up his own travel company. There’s more.
What is so depressing is that if it was one or two people having a tough time you can rally round and maybe help them. With this I feel so helpless and it’s horrible to see so many people fretting about their livelihoods.
no one wants to watch you dance
Ideal and baxis
I work for BG, met up with an engineer last week as he was phoning his first customer. ‘Hope you can get it going’ he said, ‘I’ve just come back from 5 weeks in Asia’
We didn’t go lol.
Just imagine if he was carrying the virus and hadn’t said anything though. Scary how easily this thing can be passed on
That’s likely to happen after years of people taking from the system and a few paying there proper share we are going to be cash rich enough we are going to be ****ed economically for years, tax payers that survive will be strumped and the ***** that live on handouts will moan there fags sky and kestrel cans have gone up
I live in and run a pub with striptease dancers working nearly every day, and I'm 74...the dancers don't seem much worried about the dangers of catching Coronavirus so at present they say that they'll simply carry on.
Hang on. I need to get this clear in my head.
You're going to have to self-isolate in a pub? That's full of strippers? And they're refusing to go home?
He forgot to mention they are in their nineties