Might have to try to improve things - could be tricky, as I have a bit of a ballbag personality.
Might have to try to improve things - could be tricky, as I have a bit of a ballbag personality.
How is your head right now? How are you feeling?
To be honest, I'm struggling a wee bit. Staying strong for the kids, wife etc but I found myself in tears while watching the 10 o'clock news last night and I feel constantly under pressure. I'm sure I'll be OK but I admit that I am feeling a bit over whelmed. We have food, we have everything we need but something is nagging at the back of my head. Maybe I have watched and read to many "End of the world" books and films? NSC has helped to keep me smiling (Thank you all for that) but without football the void that it filled in my life seems now to be filling up with fear and confusion. Sorry if that sound a little over dramatic but it's how I feel today. Any advice welcome!
Anyone need to open up, go for it. No judgments here, just support please.
I feel better already just sharing that small amount on here, thanks NSC.
Bit low myself today to be honest. Mother’s Day has fallen on the anniversary of my own Mother’s death today and am stuck on my own at present.
Want to go out for a walk but even form my window I can see big family groups out and about and I think that would make me angry.
If they knew what it was like to lose a mum the might think twice about risking so many, including their own Mothers’ lives.
I shall try and find a quiet place.
Agree, lost mine a number of years ago and it gets you thinking, over thinking.
Feeling down today. Mind is racing over what to do going forwards as my wife will be isolating for 12 weeks minimum and trying to think how to stay positive and not end up taking it out on each other!
Sorry to hear that. I hope your wife and you stay sane and keep working together to make it as pain free as possible. Thoughts are with you and good luck. We press on, steady as she goes.
Started a gardening thread. Mines going to be superb this year. Might even buy a shed to sit in!!
After yesterday's lower than expected death numbers in the UK and Italy I actually felt a little more hopeful that things won't be quite as bad as the doom mongers predicted. Will be interested to see if these trends continue today.Pretty depressed now by the realisation that we are going to lose 100,000's in the UK to this killer virus.
Not many in the population seem bothered about isolating, and the government are clearly still pursuing "herd immunity", even though they say they are not.
Actions speak louder than words.
They are not interested in a lockdown, so we are totally lost.
I agree it was encouraging - but I am very fearful of today's figures not confirming the improvement.After yesterday's lower than expected death numbers in the UK and Italy I actually felt a little more hopeful that things won't be quite as bad as the doom mongers predicted. Will be interested to see if these trends continue today.
After yesterday's lower than expected death numbers in the UK and Italy I actually felt a little more hopeful that things won't be quite as bad as the doom mongers predicted. Will be interested to see if these trends continue today.
Really beginning to feel quite anxious this morning, I've been on Citalapram for many years and they work well, but this morning I'm feeling anxious and afraid.. Scared for my wife who is currently on a10 yr course of cancer treatment and scared of going out incase I catch this horrible virus and bring it home. Not sure whether I should go to the shops for milk / bread or just muddle on by without. Not feeling great![]()
Really beginning to feel quite anxious this morning, I've been on Citalapram for many years and they work well, but this morning I'm feeling anxious and afraid.. Scared for my wife who is currently on a10 yr course of cancer treatment and scared of going out incase I catch this horrible virus and bring it home. Not sure whether I should go to the shops for milk / bread or just muddle on by without. Not feeling great![]()
Thanks mate, difficult times for everyoneThinking of you and your wife at this extremely difficult time. I'm sure your wife knows you're amazing and you are! You're being very, very considerate. Hope you get through this dreadful time. All the best mate.![]()
Thanks for sharing that. It's what "Christian" should be all about.
And I think the good folk at St Matthew's will be absolutely delighted that you have shared it, and NOT because of the possibility if it converting people, BUT because it might bring sone crumb of comfort to even more people.
Good thinking, David. Sorry I didn't see your post sooner but I've been working (in healthcare)over the weekend and things have, understandably, been a bit manic! Stay safe and well mate.