Mr Banana
Tedious chump
I've always thought myself to be quite introverted and not really requiring much social contact but after five days working from home I'm beginning to question if that's true. I have my daily catch-up calls in the morning with my team but then I'm basically alone until my girlfriend comes home.
That's basically how I've lived (without the catch-up calls) for weeks on end at a time over the last few years, with the exception of the odd voluntary job here and there (coincidentally, I've just agreed a working arrangement to live like that pretty much permanently.)
It didn't really occur to me that it was the main catalyst of misery until I heard how normal people react to it this week. Seems like briefly meeting one or two people every couple of weeks at football doesn't count as a banging social life for many. Might have to try to improve things - could be tricky, as I have a bit of a ballbag personality.