We wunt be druv
I think we are all going slowly bonkers whether alone or cooped up indoors with family/friends all day, everyday.
Last night I could hear a man singing (a neighbour ..... somewhere), it went on for hours.
Hardly going out is getting to me. I don't get it, before the Arsenal match was postponed I seem to remember Boris quoting the virus couldn't survive outdoors. Now the police are telling me I can catch it off a park bench.
Take care
Stay strong
Thanks. It's going to be peaks and troughs for me and I got upset further when the figures got announced yesterday afternoon, then felt better after having a couple of beers and a chat about it all with a mate via a WhatsApp video chat, but for whatever reason I'm feeling a whole lot better this morning currently than I did yesterday.
Maybe it's because I've got shopping I need to do and the prospect of my Poundland and M&S win double again is helping. It comes to something when that is the highlight of your life.

8pm tonight and stepping out the front door to applaud will be good too. I'm actually really looking forward to that later today.