Uncle Spielberg
Well-known member
30/6/2020 and then the game is up and a career in male escorting awaits which might buy a bottle of whisky a month
30/6/2020 and then the game is up and a career in male escorting awaits which might buy a bottle of whisky a month
Horse Racing Tipster as a sideline ?
I'm a one man band self employed, I work in peoples houses.
My phone has not rung for 3 weeks.
I'm ltd company so hoping to see some money soon.
Mrs Chopper is working from home.
I/we will survive for as long as it takes because we have to.
My worry is when it's all over how long will it be before my phone starts to ring again and my workload back up to where I need it to be.
I have built up a good, reputable business but it going to be almost like starting again.
I'm still in the get all the jobs done around the house and the allotment stage.
Every major country has colossal net state debt in the $trillions, even Germany, Canada and China. Because populaces have always demanded state spending well ahead of tax revenues. 'Investment', annual budget deficits and servicing the debt, the three causes.
Low population countries with huge oil reserves such as Kuwait and Brunei, are the very exceptions.
The size of the economy just means total output.
As Nye Bevan said "The secret of the National Insurance Fund is that there ain't no fund". We've never has state cash in the bank.
If you are on a standard director's salary and take dividends then the advice (provided you aren't working) is to get a UC claim in asap.Thank you very much.
I have not considered UC due to Ltd Co status so I am PAYE and yes it's all in the hands of my accountant and he is working on it for me.
But I will now look at this and take advice.
I'll add my actual reply to the OP at the end of this. First, smart people I know have airily told me that this is seen globally by governments as something that cannot be allowed to destroy humanity in chaos, so every government will throw money at it and hope the economy kicks starts when we can go out again, with furlough and other measures (sooner or later, hopefully sooner - see my final comments) ensuring everyone has money to spend and there are not millions of homeless and starving people in every country due to misguided austerity.
I assume that if this happens everywhere globally we will all stay on a level playing field. But presumably those few cash-rich nations might find themselves in a position of power. So...if every other nation devalues at once won't that render the 'cash' held in Brunei etc valueless? I can't see the US, China and Germany allowing themselves to be beholden to a few blokes who bathe in asses milk.
As for me, I'm on full salary to work at home. I have argued for a long time that the UK could easily close 70% of all universities and redirect state money to aprenticeships. It is bad enough where I work (a 'top' six university) with swathes of students taking degrees they will never use. So I could see a mass culling of university staff in 18 months. It should probably happen, too, but I expect it won't.
Either way, I'm fine, unless they raid my pension (unlikely?). It is fully paid up and I could retire but I'm trying to develop a drug (so need to have a credible appointment), plus I enjoy teaching. I am very aware that I am in a very good place, with no mortgage, money in the bank, lovely family, garden, car, neighbours, friends.....but I'm not going to use the word 'fortunate' because I worked for it, endured two divorces, nearly lost the lot during the Lawson recession, batled depression and all that bollocks.
That doesn't mean I don't feel for people who can't see beyond the next few days or weeks, though. I just hope that the government will do what I have been told they will do, and throw money at everything and everyone. And do it soon so the undoubted stress and depression of the present daily situation isn't needlessly exacerbated.
If you are on a standard director's salary and take dividends then the advice (provided you aren't working) is to get a UC claim in asap.
The difference in money from the company claiming the 80% is minimal but importantly, the mechanism is already in place to claim.
Also, UC means the possibility of claiming council tax benefit and housing allowance. So could actually mean more money to survive with.
Unfortunately if you have more than £16k in savings you can't claim. In which case attempting to claim the 80% salary compensation will be the correct route. Again though, nobody knows exactly how this will work until the procedure is live.
I would speak to your accountant and find out which route is best for you asap.
Well, there's a turn up, all I do is pop up the shop for milk and eggs and when I come back, Mrs Chopper who is working from home has been furloughed, but they are going to make up her pay to full pay from £2500 and she earns a lot more than that, I don't get it she is being paid to do nothing but it's a stroke of luck, with me earning nothing that would have been very tricky for us.
I was also thinking about self employed still working ( and there are many) like my mate who is a tiler.
What is to stop them working, especially for cash, and still claiming Government money as if they have not worked since March 1st.
(This is not something I am thinking of doing, not that I have any jobs anyway)
As a supermarket shelf stacker, I am one of the lucky ones at the moment - not often one would have thought that. Mrs KZN does transcription work from home which is still going ok too. Am extremely glad I am not still self employed in South Africa as I would now be royally stuffed.
Very worrying times for many and I hope that there is some light at the end of this tunnel for the many whose future employment is now very much up in the air.
30/6/2020 and then the game is up and a career in male escorting awaits which might buy a bottle of whisky a month
Only issue is there is no horse racing, lol
30/6/2020 and then the game is up and a career in male escorting awaits which might buy a bottle of whisky a month
But how will you keep them coming back once they've drunk the whisky![]()
Nothing at all. There are plenty of freelancers quietly filling their boots at the moment.
One of my freelancer friends put a nauseating ‘poor me’ video on social media just before the government announced it would subsidise freelancers. He’s now taking ad hoc jobs when he fancies it and looking forward to a chunky furlough payment to top up his savings account.
Funnily enough he hasn’t put a second video up saying “thanks for allowing this generous arrangement at tax payers’ expense, Boris. I owe you a pint”.
In general they won't