Crappy international friendlies all week, and no sign of any new singings,what else is there to do
Any excuse to fill Page 1 with shitehouse music.

Was Greensleeves THE album of the 16th century?
Crappy international friendlies all week, and no sign of any new singings,what else is there to do
And it still sounds as good as ever!
Any excuse to fill Page 1 with shitehouse music.
Was Greensleeves THE album of the 16th century?
Any excuse to fill Page 1 with shitehouse music.
Was Greensleeves THE album of the 16th century?
Any excuse to fill Page 1 with shitehouse music.
Was Greensleeves THE album of the 16th century?
Steely Dan - Pretzel Logic
Steely Dan - Aja
Steely Dan - The Royal Scam
Wire - Pink Flag
Big Star - #1 Record
Grateful Dead - American Beauty
The Soft Boys - A Can of Bees
Todd Rundgren - Something/Anything?
Talking Heads - More Songs About Buildings and Food
Could've included any Steely Dan album released in the 70s in fairness, they're all brilliant.