Twinkle Toes
Growing old disgracefully
We will be banning straight sex for fear of upsetting the homs next.
What the Hell has a city in western Syria got to do with this?
We will be banning straight sex for fear of upsetting the homs next.
Every so often one reads a post that is so mind numbingly, ball shatteringly stupid that it takes your breath away.
We need to worry about important matters like our education system, or the limitations of it at world level.
Couldn't give a toss. Cameron has been snide and brought this up to deflect from real important issues affecting this country.
More tory MP's against it than for.
At least we have another stick to beat that useless lot with
Win Win
Oh do give over! Who gives a shit on the world stage about it? We need to worry about important matters like our education system, or the limitations of it at world level.
You'll note I didn't say this was the most important issue in our country. However it is an important issue.
hmmm, the Tories and 'the Church' in meltdown, what's not to like?
We will be banning straight sex for fear of upsetting the homs next.
Jimmy Savile had an opinion.......
You mean who is going to be the winner of Splash on Saturday night?
Really, only to make us a f***ing laughing stock!
Maybe to backwards thinking shit-holes.
Really, only to make us a f***ing laughing stock!
Oh do give over! Who gives a shit on the world stage about it? We need to worry about important matters like our education system, or the limitations of it at world level.
Really, only to make us a f***ing laughing stock!
As a Christian i vote no not because i dislike homosexuals or Lesbians they are still Gods children and he loves them very much even though he would not approve of what they are doing but because the Father who created this earth did not create it for same sex marriages but for man and women so they could re produce and glorify his work and plan and have a perfect world with no sin , this is made very clear in the Bible , obviously if you dont believe there is a God then you wont believe what the bible says is the truth either thats understandable , imagine you wrote a life long book and you have planned how it will finish only for someone or something to come in and tear out your ending and replace it with how they want it to be and leave you out of the ending totally ! it doesnt surprise me at all that it has come to this because our world is leaving God out more and more and as we go on and in time there will be even more state powers voting on other un Godly decisions that will effect us , dont be surprised if a vote for Sharia law is on the agenda in the not to distant future .
It sounds like you are an expert on those! lol