Billy the Fish
Dearie me.
I'm quite lucky that I've not lost a loved one (others on here have) but this "flu" has certainly altered my body for the worse, possibly permanently. I have gone from a 3h 45 marathon runner to someone who can't really walk more than a couple of miles without getting tired and I had a cough for four months. And I'm lucky. just a quick look at yesterday's BBC Covid round up will show you other cases of "long covd" again with people under 50 who were training for marathons or regularly cycled or climbed. That's not normal, it's certainly not flu.
And before anyone says "you weren't saying that in February", no i wasn't and I was wrong (I am sometimes).
And before anyone says "you're a mod" I am, and I'm calling out something factually incorrect posted by a user who appears to be a dyed-in-the-wool troll.
It's really important for doubters to read things like this.
Yesterday I was doubting the need for more restrictions. If it's only young people getting it and deaths aren't rising why don't we just let them get it and build some immunity - but reading your story hits home why we all need to take it seriously.