Oh, we're not allowed to know where people live, unlike, say. local election candidates.
But we do know their account set up histories and any weird peccadillos therein.
You've just ruined my joke with your 'so called' facts

Oh, we're not allowed to know where people live, unlike, say. local election candidates.
But we do know their account set up histories and any weird peccadillos therein.
Putin is pulling all those strings for sure in his hybrid war against us, but it's not over yet sadly.Let's face it, Trump recently voted out, Le Pen failing here, BoJo on his last dishonest legs. This alt-Right, post truth shitshow is on its last legs. Back to normal once someone does the decent thing and bumps off Putin.
I honestly think Trump will have a Black Swan health event and not even be on the ballot.Funny banter/narrative for these nsc ding-dong culture wars, but sadly and alarmingly Trump will win the next presidential election.
Biden and Harris now condemned by an overwhelming majority.
Not good if you’re; black, or gay, or need help with healthcare, or care about man’s destruction of the planet.
I honestly think Trump will have Black Swan health event and not even be on the ballot.
Certainly no point in making predictions about his victory this far out.
Let's face it, he is hardly in the prime of Health.
I honestly think Trump will have Black Swan health event and not even be on the ballot.
Certainly no point in making predictions about his victory this far out.
Let's face it, he is hardly in the prime of Health.
"Telling people how to vote" is literally the point of campaigning in a liberal democracy. You're free to disagree, assuming you have the mental capacity to do so.
It's also literally the point of "votes" in places like Iran and Russia.
Are people seriously conflating centerist speeches and adverts and NSC posts with Putin and the Islamic Republic?
Worrying that In 2022 that a major Western country votes only 60/40 AGAINST Facisim.
What would you say, specifically, that centre ground politicians are getting wrong?
And how would you suggest that Marxism or Fascism solves the problem?
I think that the Le Pen vote is a protest vote against the situations in France which are getting worse and worse. Prior to the lockdown, I drove from Calais to Spain for 8 years in a row. Going through the centre of Paris we saw more and more homeless people (vast majority non white) sleeping under tarpaulin on the sides of the dual carriageways.
Each year it's got worse and worse.
No idea how or what the effects are to the local areas as we didn't stop, but I'd think what on earth do these people do for food, money, healthcare, cleaning, toiletries, hygiene, kids schooling and so on.
So MLP and her racist rants get agreement because of the permissiveness of Macron and other EU leaders allowing anyone to enter. But not have the infrastructure and ability to look after the tens of thousands who come in.
Yes allow these people in but get them housed and looked after otherwise you're just giving fuel to the likes of MLP.
Someone mentioned Hitler getting voted in. He did because of the situations in Germany at the time. Without the desperate and widespread issues in Germany at the time, noone would have voted for his vision of Germany being restored to the power it was.
There may be some parallels between modern France and 1920s/30s Germany, but it wasn't that Germany was awash with new immigrants from far away lands living in tents in German parks.
It was an economic mess created initially by excesive 'reparations' after WW1. Indiginous Germans were starving so they turned to the man of wild promises.
In France the presence of immigrants with dark skin living on the streets is not a cause of indiginous French people starving, but the cause of indiginous French people holding their noses.
In France the solution to foreign immigrants on the streets should be to deal with foreign immigrants on the streets. With a plan. It may mean spending a few Euros in the process, but it would have been a lot smarter to have spent a few Francs back in the day. Unfortunately voters everywhere don't seem to like governments spending money on immigrants, while at the same time expecting gorvernments to do something about them. Ironic, that.
In Germany Hitler invented a plan to deal with indiginous Germans starving. It was to round up the indiginous Jews, steal their money and propery, and kill them all.
I think it may be possible to draw parallels here, but when put into simple language with an attempt to identify cause and effect, the parallels vanish.
That said, I no longer understimate any electorate's capacity to fool for charlatans with the gift of certainty, and I no longer estimate any electorate's willingness to suspend its disbelief, and embrace fantastical tomfoolery, if they think there is something in it for themselves. Bre'r Frog, with his whimsical ability to desert well-established conventional political parties in pursuit of a quick fix, can be a bit of a worry, but I don't think they will go Full Nazi anytime soon.
As for people living on the street, I was up in London yesterday and there are loads of people sleeping rough round Victoria station, on Victoria Street and surrounds. Loads. English, though. So that's OK......Farrage won't be interested. Neither is Johnson.
Agree, disturbing 42% find it acceptable to vote for MLP, despite the faux moderate rhetoric she didn't change at all over the past 5 years, France is angry and there's a lot of dis-content.
But lets face it, look across the pond at what is going on there, maybe even more people are prepared for vote for a fascist
I'd like to say we've reached peak populism globally but personally I don't think we're out of the woods yet. Here I'm a lot more optimistic, albeit learning the hard way
im not suggesting Marxism or Fascism sovlve anything, im certain they wouldnt. its odd to ask what the center grouns is getting wrong, unless you're saying everyone's happy. my objection is insulting people for voting a certain way, rather than ask why they did, what politicans should be doing and addressing those issues. are 42% of French racists, or approve of other policies, or as claimed simply stupid? we can say they're misled, uninformed, calling people stupid for voting one way sounds like not wanting to hear them.
Agree, disturbing 42% find it acceptable to vote for MLP, despite the faux moderate rhetoric she didn't change at all over the past 5 years, France is angry and there's a lot of dis-content.
But lets face it, look across the pond at what is going on there, maybe even more people are prepared for vote for a fascist
I'd like to say we've reached peak populism globally but personally I don't think we're out of the woods yet. Here I'm a lot more optimistic, albeit learning the hard way
I think that the Le Pen vote is a protest vote against the situations in France which are getting worse and worse. Prior to the lockdown, I drove from Calais to Spain for 8 years in a row. Going through the centre of Paris we saw more and more homeless people (vast majority non white) sleeping under tarpaulin on the sides of the dual carriageways.
Each year it's got worse and worse.
No idea how or what the effects are to the local areas as we didn't stop, but I'd think what on earth do these people do for food, money, healthcare, cleaning, toiletries, hygiene, kids schooling and so on.
So MLP and her racist rants get agreement because of the permissiveness of Macron and other EU leaders allowing anyone to enter. But not have the infrastructure and ability to look after the tens of thousands who come in.
Yes allow these people in but get them housed and looked after otherwise you're just giving fuel to the likes of MLP.
Someone mentioned Hitler getting voted in. He did because of the situations in Germany at the time. Without the desperate and widespread issues in Germany at the time, noone would have voted for his vision of Germany being restored to the power it was.
It feels like a lot of the time when poor leaders gain/retain power, it is by virtue of the opposition being even less electable to the moderate voter, rather than their own qualities.
Macron is hugely unpopular, yet won because the alternative was a literal fascist. Trump won because the alternative was Hillary, who had a disaster of a campaign.
We have the Tories because of Corbyn and "Momentum".
The French chose Macron out of necessity.
There may be some parallels between modern France and 1920s/30s Germany, but it wasn't that Germany was awash with new immigrants from far away lands living in tents in German parks.
It was an economic mess created initially by excesive 'reparations' after WW1. Indiginous Germans were starving so they turned to the man of wild promises.
In France the presence of immigrants with dark skin living on the streets is not a cause of indiginous French people starving, but the cause of indiginous French people holding their noses.
In France the solution to foreign immigrants on the streets should be to deal with foreign immigrants on the streets. With a plan. It may mean spending a few Euros in the process, but it would have been a lot smarter to have spent a few Francs back in the day. Unfortunately voters everywhere don't seem to like governments spending money on immigrants, while at the same time expecting gorvernments to do something about them. Ironic, that.
In Germany Hitler invented a plan to deal with indiginous Germans starving. It was to round up the indiginous Jews, steal their money and propery, and kill them all.
I think it may be possible to draw parallels here, but when put into simple language with an attempt to identify cause and effect, the parallels vanish.
That said, I no longer understimate any electorate's capacity to fall for charlatans with the gift of certainty, and I no longer underestimate any electorate's willingness to suspend its disbelief, and embrace fantastical tomfoolery, if they think there is something in it for themselves. Bre'r Frog, with his whimsical ability to desert well-established conventional political parties in pursuit of a quick fix, can be a bit of a worry, but I don't think they will go Full Nazi anytime soon.
As for people living on the street, I was up in London yesterday and there are loads of people sleeping rough round Victoria station, on Victoria Street and surrounds. Loads. English, though. So that's OK......Farrage won't be interested. Neither is Johnson.
Totally agree HWT. Couldn't be bothered to go onto the history and the fact that 'we' created the situation which lead to Hilter's rise. It is a strech drawing parallells I agree, but the point is that 'situations' are created by Govts and the 'people' vote for any smooth talking trickster with a quick-fix promise that usually leads to a far worse situation with a Fascist/Marxist/Communist agenda. Again Russia and the Csar with the Bolshevik Revolution, those in power being plain stupid and creating the situations for their demise.
Anyway looks like common sense has prevailed, but unless he (Macron) sorts out the situations, I can see MLP gaining more and more votes next time. Unfortuantely.