A large stainless steel pot into which add a couple of roughly chopped carrots, onion, celery stalks, 10 pepper corns, two star anise, 6 cloves place the raw gammon on top of the chopped vegetables and then fill to cover using cheap cider if not completly covered then top up with a little water to save opening another bottle, cover with a stainless steel lid and leave to stand minimum overnight but I have in the past left it for a couple of days.
Put on to boil without draining of the cider mix, scoop off the foam as it boils then turn down to a simmer and cook for a couple to three hours top up with water as required you can't really over cook it.
Drain and peel the rind leaving the fat around the meat, using a sharp knife score the fat in diamond shapes and cover with a glaze of any sticky sweet mixture but in my opinion it needs to be sharp in taste such as Marmalade, Apricote jam or lime jelly are all good options, into each dioamond push a clove put onto a baking rack in a tray to catch drips and then into a hot oven until the glaze is golden and even a little burnt around the edges.
This is a fall proof recipe I have used for years and it's always turned out brilliant I have tried using coke it's ok but I think it's a bit to sweet and water I find a bit bland, I have tried good quality cider but it's benefit with flavour in my opinion doesn't out way it's costs compaired to supermarket cheap cider