I hope they are good live as my missus is dragging me to Wembley in August to see them. Nearly £100 a ticket so they bloody better be good![]()
but I find the active loathing of Coldplay a really odd social phenomenon. If you don't enjoy their music listen to something else.
I saw a live Coldplay concert on the television about ten years ago. I seem to recall one truly excellent track, and the rest quite dull, bordering on irritating. I have nothing of theirs on my iPod
For music in a similar vein, Keane are the other way round, and I bought Under and Iron Sea, a terrific record, despite the singer looking like a young 'call me Dave' Cameron.
I just asked Mrs T to remind me what she thinks of Keane. She says she dislikes them because the singer is a c***Doesn't mince her words, Mrs T.
Back to Coldplay, one problem of theirs is with a name like that you expect them to sound like the classic French Coldwave bands like Norma Loy, Asylum Party and Little Nemo.
This (below) is a tremendous track, and what coldplay might have become had they sorted their silly selves out
Alternatively, I might like coldplay more if they changed their name to 'Cheerful Tuneyboys'. Yes, that would work.