Shooting Star
Well-known member
Personally didn't hear the booing, but I neither clapped nor booed. After spending £60 in total to watch that performance, they certainly didn't deserve an applause.
People aren't booing the run, they were booing the performance. Did you go last evening? If so, did you feel the performance was acceptable? (Not a criticism, just a question....things often get misconstrued on NSC). Perspective fair enough, but perhaps the perspective is that there is 'less' for the players the players to worry about so supporters should let them know their feelings and how much it matters..... Previously the mere survival of the club was an issue as we know and it came with complettely different pressures.
Yes. I went. And I didn't boo. It was poor but I don't think the players needed the fans to tell them that by booing and knock their depleted confidence any further. Most of the people near me did boo but as most of them were hammered when they arrived, their 'expert' view of the performance/tactics/individuals - voiced loudly throughout - doesn't really sway my opinion.
I'm going to stick my neck out here and say 'so what?'.
The fans were superb on the radio and really got behind the team. IF after the game has ended they want to voice their frustration at another crap performance then they are more than entitled. 9 games without a win and the whole game without a shot, let the boo, they supported them for 90 minutes while the game was playing, that's the main thing.
So please enlighten did we deserve a draw?
I see the ones unhappy at the booing generally didn't go to the game. Says it all.
Those that boo still went and got behind the team for 90mins, spending £50 in the process. What were YOU doing?
Comments like deserved a draw pretty much sum it up.
The ***** sat behind me who booed at the end (the only ones I heard mind you) certainly didn't get behind the team. They spent 90 minutes screaming at ever player who dared to misplace a pass.
I already did elsewhere. It's very rare in an away game not to have a couple of close shaves. We had ours in the first 15'. Otherwise it was a very drab game with neither side threatening and defensively 2nd half we looked comfortable bar their one big chance which they put away. If it had ended 0-0 I don't think any Watford fans would have complained that they were robbed.
Oh I see....perhaps the rest of us all were stood behind pillars and didn't actually see what was going on, including poyet it seems.
Ah well, onwards and upwards. Everyone is entitled to their opinions.
There was a short, intense 'boo' - three seconds - from some; a minority.
Yes it was short, and yes it was probably a minority - but I'm stunned that some people didn't hear it. It was very, very loud from where I was (out on the far left of the crowd, near the bottom).
I wasn't at the game, and I can accept that there will be an enormous sense of frustration at losing an on paper winnable game, but booing? Come on! How fickle can you get. We are in a tough run of disappointing results and mixed performances (no matter how shit we were last night, not all recent ones have been that bad) and it is at times like these that the team need support.
To use the popular parlance of our times, it is time to MAN UP and quit moaning about the results and be a part of helping the team dig themselves out of this hole.
I really don't know what people expected of this division, even most of the crap teams are of higher standard than our opponents of last year. The major frustration for me this season has been the constant spate of injuries. I cannot remember the last time we were able to put a settled side out, and this is really hurting us. It is difficult for us to settle whilst this is the case.
I have every confidence that we will turn this around at some point. Gus has done enough in his tenure here to earn our trust on that one. Sorry folks it's in hard times such as these that we as fans get to prove our worth, by all means vent your anger and frustration but keep an eye on the bigger picture at what is trying to be built at this football club. Rome wasn't built in a day and neither was the Amex, and they all turned out right in the end.
Am I right in thinking you're the self titled 'Dave The Gaffer' who used to have me reaching for the off switch every week as you bored us with your negative 'insight' on the phone-in?
If so, I guess your insistence that we only deserved to lose doesn't really surprise me. Interesting to read that the radio guys also thought we deserved a draw for the 2nd half performance while that Watford fan on here said they 'nicked' a winner. We can be good without being world-beaters and bad without being doomed to relegation but you'd never know that on here.
Should be ashamed of yourselves for booing the team!!!
What did you think you would do this season win the league? Oh wait you did didnt you
In all fairness you have injury's now so FFS be thankful for your good start! Otherwise you'd be bottom 3![]()