Had my first one last week at age 67
Had a text from the surgery inviting me to go on Wednesday and had it on the Friday
Arm a bit stiff for a couple of days but nothing else wrong
Very efficient service
Did you have the viagra jab?
Had my first one last week at age 67
Had a text from the surgery inviting me to go on Wednesday and had it on the Friday
Arm a bit stiff for a couple of days but nothing else wrong
Very efficient service
Had my jab, it’s great, I’ve been able to turn of the WiFi a home, and I’m now getting 5G on my Nokia 3310.
I’m buzzing, literally!
Didn't you have to sit down for 15 minutes, before leaving the building?
I also was in and out within about 3 minutes, I didn't even sit down. This was at Bognor Health Centre where I was told they are doing a thousand a day when it's the Astra Zeneca jab.
I believe it's only the Pfizer jab that requires you to sit down afterwards for 15 mins.
It's all extremely efficient and I know of several friends in their fifties that had the jab in the last week at Bognor.
That's exactly what the old man had having had the AZ jab. Had a bad headache and just felt generally a bit meh.
I also was in and out within about 3 minutes, I didn't even sit down. This was at Bognor Health Centre where I was told they are doing a thousand a day when it's the Astra Zeneca jab.
I believe it's only the Pfizer jab that requires you to sit down afterwards for 15 mins.
It's all extremely efficient and I know of several friends in their fifties that had the jab in the last week at Bognor.
64 jab today at Brighton Centre !! ,![]()
I know you've been dying to vote, but keep the faith
It is seriously good to see so many posts from regular NSCers. I'm now awaiting yours, and I'm confident it'll come soon![]()
Have 46 people here under sixty with no health issues really had the jab or are people just hitting the vote button without reading the question?
I’m assuming the latter for the most part.
We have quite a few NHS and care workers on Nsc.