Virgo is the best thing on the show. Prefer the 9pm kick off too.
Don't like the people standing around.
I had no idea what division I was watching half the time, absolutely all over the shop. And seriousy - if you're showing goals highlights, then just show the goals in the time-honoured fashion with a voiceover summarising it. Do NOT have Kelly and Adam with their ipads having a nice little chat about the frigging game while you're watching god-knows-who cross it in for so-and-so to score.
And who actually analyses and picks their way through league tables after ONE game ? Spinning the stupid bloody wooden thing round like its some "big reveal". It was laughably bad. Tragically awful. Beyond my wildest imagination at how poor a football highlights show could be. Utter, utter DRECK.
**** you BBC for dropping the Football League and leaving us stuck with this cuffing abortion.
You didn't like it then?I had no idea what division I was watching half the time, absolutely all over the shop. And seriousy - if you're showing goals highlights, then just show the goals in the time-honoured fashion with a voiceover summarising it. Do NOT have Kelly and Adam with their ipads having a nice little chat about the frigging game while you're watching god-knows-who cross it in for so-and-so to score.
And who actually analyses and picks their way through league tables after ONE game ? Spinning the stupid bloody wooden thing round like its some "big reveal". It was laughably bad. Tragically awful. Beyond my wildest imagination at how poor a football highlights show could be. Utter, utter DRECK.
**** you BBC for dropping the Football League and leaving us stuck with this cuffing abortion.
Forgot to record it. Just got in, Can't see it on 5 download (or whatever they call it) to download it.
Think yourself lucky.
**** you BBC for dropping the Football League and leaving us stuck with this cuffing abortion.
You didn't like it then?
PS: The BBC did not "drop" the Football League Show. They were either outbid or could no longer afford the rights to the programme demanded by the Football League. The licence fee has been frozen since 2010 and the BBC has to pay for extra services like the World Service, rural broadband and local TV out of the £147.50 a year which means it has to be make difficult choices about what it does. And that includes paying for Steve Claridge. .
Scrambling the divisions. An utterly POINTLESS studio audience. Vague remarks from the studio on SOME of the goal highlights, where they clearly don't even really know who they're watching. The league tables on spinning POLES for christs sake, I've not seen anything like that since about 1976. Virgo basically talking bollocks. They're all desperately clutching C5-branded iPads for no apparent reason. And then the absolute nadir at the end, where Reading have a shot that looked for all the world like it had gone in over the line off the underside of the bar. Any replay ? Any analysis ? Nope. They just go back to a grinning Kelly and whoever that other nonentity is (I honestly have no idea who he is). She says "oh that looked in didn't it ?". He replies "Dunno Kelly, we'll have to look at it again later. Anyway, that's it for this week...."
Oh my cuffing GOD this show is the absolute pits. Amateurish, cringeworthy JUNK. Its times like this you really do appreciate just how damn good the BBC are at this stuff.
Not keen.
I don't actually watch much telly, but the FLS was one of the few shows I'd generally tune in to or record. It wasn't perfect, but it was orderly and you knew we'd just get the final 20 seconds of the Championship segment each week. OK, fine. I can deal with that. I knew where I stood. Now its been replaced by this steaming pile of tramp-vomit, with a whole parade of podgy listless goons in replica shirts loafing around a bland studio with nothing else to do except wonder why Kelly Dalglish has got so fat, while some other complete nonentity of a presenter tries to "chummy" himself to some form of likeability, despite being crippled by the unavoidable fact that he has all the wit, charisma and football knowledge of a radish.