It coud be were I hungover, but im finding it anoying. Sounds like gibirish talking and I feel like shouting at the tv , just get on with it.
Do you realise you posted the exact same thing 15 minutes before this post?

It coud be were I hungover, but im finding it anoying. Sounds like gibirish talking and I feel like shouting at the tv , just get on with it.
Standard reply [emoji24]
It coud be were I hungover, but im finding it anoying. Sounds like gibirish talking and I feel like shouting at the tv , just get on with it.
Is this some kind of in joke or does it have a hidden meaning? These posts are 14 minutes apart!It coud be were I hungover, but im finding it anoying. Sounds like gibirish talking and I feel like shouting at the tv , just get on with it.
struggle to see why u need a studio audience for a highlights show...
That spinning league table thing is almost certainly the most tinpot thing I have ever seen.
That spinning league table thing is almost certainly the most tinpot thing I have ever seen.