Thunder Bolt
Silly old bat
That depends on how far to the right your own stance is. Some complaining of left wing bias are further to the right than Katie Hopkins etc.
Horseshoe politics. The extreme right is very similar to the extreme left.
That depends on how far to the right your own stance is. Some complaining of left wing bias are further to the right than Katie Hopkins etc.
I'm listening.
We are 24 posts in and nobody has really explained exactly what cancel culture is our why it is so bad.
I'm asking questions about what it actually is because at this stage I don't really understand.
Can you give me a good example?
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I am opposed to cancel culture primarily because the far right are able to take the moral high ground, because of it.
If you allow them to express their opinions freely, everyone can see what a bunch of twats they truly are.
But instead they have managed to stake the claims to the freedom of speech movement, previously occupied by the left.
Massive own goal by the left, leading to growing support for right wing ideologies from the disenfranchised.
This view comes from the mindset that issues can be dealt with on a right and left wing basis, which itself is problematic as not all issues can be neatly pigeon holed that way.
The debate on transgender rights is a case in point, as no one could say (genuinely) that Germaine Greer is right wing for holding the view that the definition of a woman is based on biology.
In my view the battlegrounds of all of these these types of debate is the perennial struggle between radicalism and conservatism (small c).
The interesting thing with GG is that she was once a radical herself and is now conservative (small c), and this has much to do with where opposing sides seek to place the “centre ground” or put another way the majority held view.
These days it appears the new generation of radicals need to find new struggles to fight despite the progress made by their radical forebears. A point encapsulated by GG, who no doubt finds it ironic that having spent her life fighting male dominance, she is now being outed as a bigot because she does not agree that men identifying as women are not women.
I guess it’s a just another cycle of the parents of revolutions being consumed by the children, (like Robespierre) but then the lesson there is ignore the radicals.
All the dystopians have predicted it in different ways, and it will only grow stronger. It is here to stay. And as a believer in the great conspiracy, I believe it is manufactured rather than dynamic or random as most believe. However, the beliefs of us conspiracy theorists were among the first to be "cancelled", and so the common perspective that this is a natural development is going to get the upper hand once those who oppose it realise that dissidence is self-destruction.
Yes, I agree that was ridiculous.
Would have been great for the BBC to stand up for him.
The law says you have freedom of speech.
What is wrong with people withdrawing support from people and companies which they dissaprove of?
Is it not a healthy option instead of being forced to support people and companies who do and say things you do not agree with? Choice is far better than being forced to use them.
You think people should not have that freedom?
I think they should. I was adding another comment that I was agreeing with. That cancel culture was, at least initially, bemoaned by the same people who usually promote free market capitalism as the best thing ever.
Global corporations now live in terror of the social media lynch mob.
We have passed through a period (let's say just the 20th Century, but obviously stretching back further) of rampant racism, sexism, bigotry and generally unsavoury behaviour/attitudes.
We (or at least many) have now lurched the other way and, while we briefly passed through a period of improvements in gay/women's/minority rights, it was only because the pendulum was swinging through that ideal point.
Cancel Culture represents the swing going too far but, it is a phase we'll pass through and things will return back to a better state soon.
Social media allows for a speed of change in society that we haven't experienced before and we haven't yet learnt to handle it properly.