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Cameron comes of age

Mellor 3 Ward 4

Well-known member
Jul 27, 2004
saaf of the water

Honestly. I even heard that the tories are now neck and neck with labour - a spin that is so totally and completely whacked that you wonder what disneyland they were created in.
The tories are hopeless, hapless, and don't have a snowball's chance in hell of getting in. Plus they are obviously lying through their teeth!

Clowns. :jester:[/QUOTE]

I really wonder why you choose to live somewhere where there is a Tory MP/Council if they are so bad?

The way you talk about them with such distain must make it very hard for you to live in an area where the majority of your neighbours voted for them, no doubt your District Council is Tory as well, (are they doing such a bad job? - if so why are you still there?) and where the MP must be doing an OK job, otherwise he wouldn't have got voted in?

As for the Polls that you refer to, I don't read the papers, but Channel 4 News, (normally pretty reliable) Sky News and the BBC all had Polls showing the Toies had leads in key marginals.

It must just be hard for you to accept that the days of spin, high taxation, continued poor public services, mass immigration, and a disgraceful foreign policy will come to an end at the next election.

Uncle Spielberg

Well-known member
Jul 6, 2003
the biggest problem that Labouir now have is that they assume they are going to win again and shockingly underestimate the oppostion and the public's disdain for such arrogance, Brown said to Marr today more or less, we will win whenever we decide to hold the election, to hold the public in such contempt as to assume they will win regardless of their policies and track record is laugnable but understandable I suppose with a lot of posts on here of people who would vote Labour out of a misguided loyalty to a party who have pillaged vast swaythe's of this country money and wasted countless billions on beurocracy, legislation and killing iraqi's

DJ Leon

New member
Aug 30, 2003
the biggest problem that Labouir now have is that they assume they are going to win again and shockingly underestimate the oppostion and the public's disdain for such arrogance, Brown said to Marr today more or less, we will win whenever we decide to hold the election, to hold the public in such contempt as to assume they will win regardless of their policies and track record is laugnable but understandable I suppose with a lot of posts on here of people who would vote Labour out of a misguided loyalty to a party who have pillaged vast swaythe's of this country money and wasted countless billions on beurocracy, legislation and killing iraqi's

When did you last hear a party leader (even a Lib Dem one) say anything other than that they're going to WIN an election. Did you expect him to say 'I think David might win this one'. Presumably that wouldn't have provoked the 'public's disdain for such arrogance'.

the biggest problem that Labouir now have is that they assume they are going to win again and shockingly underestimate the oppostion and the public's disdain for such arrogance, Brown said to Marr today more or less, we will win whenever we decide to hold the election, to hold the public in such contempt as to assume they will win regardless of their policies and track record is laugnable but understandable I suppose with a lot of posts on here of people who would vote Labour out of a misguided loyalty to a party who have pillaged vast swaythe's of this country money and wasted countless billions on beurocracy, legislation and killing iraqi's

That Brown has alluded rather obviously, that he wants the British public to actually see a labour Government in action before making their vote, sends a clear enough message that he is honest and quite honourable in intent. He said he believes that labour would get in if he held an election now, even on the slipstream of the Blair leadership - so it does appear that he wants to be an autonomous figurehead by simply waiting. That is fair enough, and all this rot that Cameron keeps coming up with, about challenge and bottle - just serves to illustrate the desperation, and underline the huge probability that Cameron is having his last hurrah....or else he will never be Prime Minister. It's all or nothing time for him.
The theme tune is 'Send in the Clowns', as the 'ten Brown Bottles' singing on the street demonstrates.

As for where I live Mellor Ward, I happen not to be as attached to local elections or leaders as you assume I should be. After living abroad for so many years, and in a couple of countries, I really don't peer into the smaller picture. If I'm watching at the very important steering of this countries fortunes, and the banter in the House from some far-away cable tv on another continent, I'm hardly thinking "ooh, I must ask this station to broadcast from Henfield's local council office to see what they're doing with that new piece of pavement down the road opposite Swain's Farm".

..... to hold the public in such contempt as to assume they will win regardless of their policies and track record is laugnable but understandable I suppose with a lot of posts on here of people who would vote Labour out of a misguided loyalty to a party who have pillaged vast swaythe's of this country money and wasted countless billions on beurocracy, legislation and killing iraqi's

Did the Conservatives shout against going into Iraq, and make their wholesale stand against it, as a party??
STRANGE that your heroes are not trumpeting THAT from the highest hills right now then, isn't it?

I dare not mention the fact that Thatcher managed the dubious achievement of taking the pound sterling down to an all-time low of 1.05 US dollars, and Blair had it hiked up back to $2.00 again after some years of "wasting vast swathes (no 'w' and no apostrophe, as it's a PLURAL) of this country's (apostrophe!) money". That the money is now worth more, does that mean anything to you careful and meticulous tory voters??
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Uncle Spielberg

Well-known member
Jul 6, 2003
William Hill - Next Election

Labour 4/9
Conservative 13/8
Liberal Democrats 100/1

Get on the Tories and get on LARGE.

Barrel of Fun

Abort, retry, fail
Did the Conservatives shout against going into Iraq, and make their wholesale stand against it, as a party??
STRANGE that your heroes are not trumpeting THAT from the highest hills right now then, isn't it?

I dare not mention the fact that Thatcher managed the dubious achievement of taking the pound sterling down to an all-time low of 1.05 US dollars, and Blair had it hiked up back to $2.00 again after some years of "wasting vast swathes (no 'w' and no apostrophe, as it's a PLURAL) of this country's (apostrophe!) money". That the money is now worth more, does that mean anything to you careful and meticulous tory voters??

Didn't the Conservatives make their judgement on the misinformation from Labour? Weapons of mass destruction ring any bells?

Is it wise to compare and contrast the Blair government with Thatcher, when they presided over completely different eras and completely different global economic climates. Did Blair rule when the bottom fell out of the coal prices and amidst a global recession? You are conveniently forgetting that Clarke et al, set up the British economy to give Blair and his cronies an easy run.

If we are following your logic, should we not blame Callaghan and his government for the lack of instability pre-Thatcher, thus rendering the Tories blameless? Economies do not tend to change over night. Seeds are sowed well before positive results are achieved.


"the man's an arse"
Jul 7, 2003
William Hill - Next Election

Labour 4/9
Conservative 13/8
Liberal Democrats 100/1

Get on the Tories and get on LARGE.
How on earth can you tell - with the election probably 2 years away?

Personally I strongly suspect the Labour party will view this episode as a kick up the back side, the arrogance will disappear and the country will see the Tories as the 2-bit self-interested, one trick pony that they are. You wait, no other policies and a shit talentless shadow cabinet will soon come home to roost. :bigwave:

Thankyou for that wonderful political insight. I'm sure lots of people will take your moralising on the Bullingham club so much more seriously what with the pathetic spliff smilies.

Incidentally, I can't be arsed to read all this thread as I've been away over the weekend and it seems to have grown to 20 pages or so, but I think it was me that said the tories votes against every increase in the NMW. If that is not the case then I accept that point.

It was inevitable that the Tories like Labour would improve in the Polls immediately following their respective conferences.

I suspect Labour would still win if he had called an election tomorrow and unless things go seriously wrong in the next couple of years Mr. Cameron will be the next 'ex Conservative Leader'


The Glory Game
Jul 9, 2003
High up on the South Downs.
Dear Mr Spielberg

Your unqualified enthusiasm for Silky David Cameron is touching. Could you please list the Conservative MPs who supported the Albion stadium at Falmer.


In London village.
Dear Mr Spielberg

Your unqualified enthusiasm for Silky David Cameron is touching. Could you please list the Conservative MPs who supported the Albion stadium at Falmer.

Perhaps Gareth could also remind us of Fatty Soames response?


Languidly Clinical
Oct 1, 2006
A really crazy notion here, but bear with might just be, that when it comes to casting a vote on who should run the country, who should be in charge of defending these shores, who might be best placed to formulate the policies on tax, education, health, transport, EU, crime, immigration...that Gareth might pick the party who he thinks has the best manifesto (madness, I know) rather than which party had the most mps sign a commons motion on his football stadium.

Barmy isn't it?


In London village.
A really crazy notion here, but bear with might just be, that when it comes to casting a vote on who should run the country, who should be in charge of defending these shores, who might be best placed to formulate the policies on tax, education, health, transport, EU, crime, immigration...that Gareth might pick the party who he thinks has the best manifesto (madness, I know) rather than which party had the most mps sign a commons motion on his football stadium.

Barmy isn't it?

Utter madness, if you ask me.

Frankly as far as I am concerned Labour, Tories and LibDems are all self-serving useless ****s. I voted Green last time and I don't even like those hippie twats either.


Well-known member
Jun 10, 2004
Queens Park
Frankly as far as I am concerned Labour, Tories and LibDems are all self-serving useless ****s. I voted Green last time and I don't even like those hippie twats either.

That just about sums up my view on politics. It seems to come down to who you dislike the least.


Languidly Clinical
Oct 1, 2006
Utter madness, if you ask me.

Frankly as far as I am concerned Labour, Tories and LibDems are all self-serving useless ****s. I voted Green last time and I don't even like those hippie twats either.

You think you've got problems. I deeply distrust "Call me Dave", I detest all the moralising by the Tories but cannot but vote for them as they are my least worst option. I've done that every time since I was 18 except when I genuinely thought John Major was different in 92 and he let me down seeing as he's an adulterous hypocrite whlst spouting back to basics bollocks.

There are some really good Tories that I admire but the one-nation Toryism I want died with Iain MacLeod. If there was a genuinely non-socialist, libertarian alternative I might actually feel represented.


In London village.
You think you've got problems. I deeply distrust "Call me Dave", I detest all the moralising by the Tories but cannot but vote for them as they are my least worst option. I've done that every time since I was 18 except when I genuinely thought John Major was different in 92 and he let me down seeing as he's an adulterous hypocrite whlst spouting back to basics bollocks.

There are some really good Tories that I admire but the one-nation Toryism I want died with Iain MacLeod. If there was a genuinely non-socialist, libertarian alternative I might actually feel represented.

An honest & interesting response. One of the characteristics of both the Thatcher era and Major’s “back to basics” bullshit other than their rampant hypocrisy (Cecil Parkinson as the original Baby Father for starters) was their overt authoritarianism. If Labour were anywhere near the principles they had 100 years ago, they would still have my vote. As it is the only thing that would make me vote for them would me to stop the Tories (whom I share Nye Bevan’s opinion of) ever getting in.

On the basis of your other posts on here you seem to be a social liberal, perhaps we both need a new parties?

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