Deleted User X18H
Stanmer Village or Market Street?

I'm not.
I'm off to bed.
If you want the answer now, you'll have to cheat. For those with a clear conscience, I'll tell you in the morning.
One more...
What's the building on the extreme left of this row?
One more...
What's the building on the extreme left of this row?
Middle Street. I can just make out the name of Peerless & Sons Timber Merchants
Is that the pub on the corner of Middle Street? I think it's called The Victory
Just for you ...
I was looking at the images close to the one above in the collection and cam across this
This is the lovely old building that was on the corner opposite the Dyke Tavern (on the same side of the road heading north - in fact you can see the pub in the background). As a kid I vividly recall being impressed by its size.
It was owned by Nicholas Van H who wanted to develop it, so to encourage the last few people to leave (including an old lady) I am told that he removed the roof tiles. The building was certainly in a poor condition for a long time before it was demolished.
Yes thank Andy very interesting. Had a look before my old dear loves this site she sat at my PC for hours one day last month!Worth you looking at collection 26 HB&B - http://regencysociety-jamesgray.com/volume26/
The shopping emporium that was known as "Sporting Colours"?