, I cannot see why or how we are bound to be in a worse position economically outside rather than within,
most political and financial commentators agree that our economy has been a success story whilst those perhaps with a greater intimacy to the EU such as France and Italy and others within the Eurozone are failing economically, there seems very little evidence that our success is down to primarily to being within the EU otherwise why arent others enjoying similar successes ?
For the economic success you need to look at those in the eurozone and those outside of the euro, rather than a straight in or out of the EU.
We will be poorer going forward outside f the EU. There are a lot of Directives which directly impact on jobs which could see firms moving from the UK (as outside the EU) to Europe. There have already been reported stories of companies who handle data on a European basis from the UK will need to relocate as the data is not allowed to leave the EU so job losses
Much reduced foreign investment as companies looking to build new bases will locate in the EU to ensure that they have access to the EU market as opposed to the UK.
A lower pound with predictions of settling at $1.24 which means higher oil costs, so higher fuel, higher distribution costs, more expensive imports
The downgrading of London as the financial capital, so more job losses
Do we get access to the free market at existing terms, or are tariffs imposed thereby hitting exports
and the list goes on.
Why you have such confidence in a rosy future is beyond me