Do you really take us all for mugs? You are the 'little Englander' my friend.
Petition now said to be reaching 800.000 signatures. Also 90,000 signed a petition calling on the Mayor of London to make London independant and stay in Europe.
Do you really take us all for mugs? You are the 'little Englander' my friend.
Seriously ask the leavers what they are expecting to actually happen now? - loads of new money spent on NHS?
no that will be spent of bailing out Wales who will now lose their net financial benefit of being in EU and will need rest of UK to cover shortfall, removal of all immigrants from our shores and no more to arrive - was never going to happen, a brand new UK farming and fishery policy..ah no as Europe still going to be our main market so we will still have to adhere to their policies in order to sell to them....safer UK....nearly all recent terrorist attacks in UK by UK nationals.....etc etc etc
Cameron made so many mistakes: calling the referendum now in the first place when he could have waited two years; not ensuring that non UK residents who could vote actually registered; not giving 16-17 year olds the vote.
Perhaps the biggest mistake of all was not to provide a 55% threshold for Leave. That would have been reasonable IMO given the uncertainty a Leave vote creates. Imagine the uproar if, say 600k people voted the other way and Leave won by a whisker.
The vote leave campaign are not a elected power in this country, that's the Government who were elected by the public in the last General Election.
Just because the vote leave side won, it doesn't mean that they should now dictate how and where public money is spent - they haven't been elected to do this as a result of this referendum's outcome and therefore should still have zero control on how public money is spent (that is not how referendums work)
I've not seen many people react based on that volatility..maybe you just mix with in your words thick people![]()
All i pointed out is that there are still many alive today who lived through the war, saw many young lives cut short and then see everything being given away . All those lives lost for nothing. They were also conned in the common market vote as there was no mention of a political union.
FFS and the remain brigade call us leavers the thick onesThere have been 2 or 3 posters on here saying their pension pots are now worthless because the markets have crashed.
Which aspects of the EU resemble a Frankenstein monster of bureaucratic intransigence?
Welcome to democracy.It does seem stupid to invoke a very aggressive piece of political action based on a very marginal majority.
I thought this was interesting and supports the OP's argument.
And how many ever voted for us to join the EU? The only time we've ever had a say on it, most people that cared enough to vote wanted to leave.I'm just pointing out that only 1 in 3 voted for Brexit, and 2 in 3 didn't.
You do realise that a mere 30% of the 18-25 group actually bothered to vote.
I'm just pointing out that only 1 in 3 voted for Brexit, and 2 in 3 didn't.
Go check the stats out. Degree educated people almost universally voted remain, whereas those with GCSE or below level qualification voted leave. These are facts, not my opinion.
There have been 2 or 3 posters on here saying their pension pots are now worthless because the markets have crashed.