Shock horror - leave supporter wants to pick brains of remainers after they voted for something that they didn't understand the implications of.
Especially when he's up the "creak".
Shock horror - leave supporter wants to pick brains of remainers after they voted for something that they didn't understand the implications of.
Absolutely none, mate; delighted with the outcome.
And i was pointing out that a war between the countries in the EU was extremely unlikely anyway because of the existence of nuclear weapons. It was also claimed that the EU brought stability and peace to Europe (not just EU members) yet Yugoslavia still had their war, so the point was valid.
- Would you like to buy an anti volcano rock / pebble? - It obviously works because there isn't a volcano there despite being in Brighton for around 50 years and it must surely be down to it's existence or presence, surely there can 't be any other explanations to explain the outcome now can there?
this just sounds like name calling. Out of interest were the people of India who wanted independence 'Little Indians' ? I can understand wishing to be a member of the EU but there really is no need to ridicule those with whom you disagree.
Cameron made so many mistakes: calling the referendum now in the first place when he could have waited two years; not ensuring that non UK residents who could vote actually registered; not giving 16-17 year olds the vote.
Perhaps the biggest mistake of all was not to provide a 55% threshold for Leave. That would have been reasonable IMO given the uncertainty a Leave vote creates. Imagine the uproar if, say 600k people voted the other way and Leave won by a whisker.
Seriously ask the leavers what they are expecting to actually happen now? - loads of new money spent on NHS? no that will be spent of bailing out Wales who will now lose their net financial benefit of being in EU and will need rest of UK to cover shortfall, removal of all immigrants from our shores and no more to arrive - was never going to happen, a brand new UK farming and fishery policy..ah no as Europe still going to be our main market so we will still have to adhere to their policies in order to sell to them....safer UK....nearly all recent terrorist attacks in UK by UK nationals.....etc etc etc
Petition now said to be reaching 800.000 signatures. Also 90,000 signed a petition calling on the Mayor of London to make London independant and stay in Europe.
Don't forget 63%, almost 2 out of 3, of the electorate didn't vote for Brexit.
Proud to be a little Englander....... some people voted leave for no other reason than they wish to have sovereignty.
It's frightening that these people are allowed to vote on anything, but we can't give up democracy just because we have a few weirdos. Of course I understand Simster's point - we vote for and then employ professionals to make decisions for us - but if those professionals were really any good and if remaining in was the best decision, those professionals should have been able to convince the voters.No more weird than for "Banter" as I've seen.
Which sadly backs up sims view on people shouldn't be allowed to vote on issues like this as we can't be trusted.
Please re-consider the use of this language. A friend of mine who voted 'leave' has been extremely upset by some of the jibes that have indirectly headed his way. It's becoming a bit entrenched among those who voted to stay to suggest that somehow large proportions of the population lack intelligence and are somehow inferior. This may well not be your own personal intention, but statements like that feed in to the general pool of condescension towards those who took the other option.
In this country we resolved our issues through the ballot box not by kicking off as other countries do, in time you will see that the decision right or wrong was done in a fair and democratic way and as we have always done the fair and descent people of this country will get on with the job in hand.
The reasons for change may not be apparent now but in time it will be looked upon as a good day for all in this country, as having control of your own destiny is far better than being dictated to by someone you had no hand in representing you.
Apart from millions of voters being influenced the Sun and Mail?
Future elections should restrict all newspapers to reporting only-not allowing people like Murdoch to influence the gullible.
Probably already mentioned but I can't be bothered to read through all the rubbish that whinging remainers have written, Churchill clearly did not include is in that statement. It's simply not true.Damn you Churchill you duplicitous traitor scum.
Ah, you should have saidNo. I meant the EU leaders who gave absolutely no concessions to Cameron. They thought we were bluffing. They could have prevented this, they chose not to.