I am in Cornwall now. Waiting for this rain to bugger off
"It's not normally like this". Lovely as Cornwall is, there's not much to do if the weather's cr@p.
(Except the housework...)
I am in Cornwall now. Waiting for this rain to bugger off
While the proportion of business travel to tourism is relatively low, business travel makes up the huge bulk of airline profits from passengers (https://www.investopedia.com/ask/an...ness-travelers-compared-leisure-travelers.asp). Business travel is all about getting people to face to face meetings or global offices in time and, whilst there is a trend to force staff to use lower cost airlines, in reality simple things like time zones and IT restrictions stop a large number of video conferences. Planes will still fly if there are business people and cheap goods to transport. You can't put the genie of globalisation back in the bottle. And businesses will be able to absorb andy fuel tax rise.
You're trying to blame lads having a bit of fun in Latvia or Poland for a problem caused by global capitalism that won't be going away and sneering at hard working families taking a break somewhere nice.
However if you are involved in the home based tourist trade its party time as more people from abroad will be able to afford to come here, and spend more money. Plus the fewer people holiday abroad the better for local tourism.
And if you are an exporter of goods it’s Xmas every day at the moment.
"It's not normally like this". Lovely as Cornwall is, there's not much to do if the weather's cr@p.
(Except the housework...)
I agree with some of what you say, but cannot understand why petrol is taxed so heavily, and yet aviation fuel is not. Not sure if there's any figures available, but I would hazard a guess that a huge proportion of flying is non-essential. Rich and poor need to be encouraged to stop flying everywhere just because it is cheap. People definitely fly more because it is so cheap. There's no getting around that.
Travelling abroad is far too cheap anyway. Flying to the Baltic for a stag weekend for example is a ridiculous abuse of the environment. Aviation fuel needs taxing asap.
Every few weeks I go on this thread to see if it's improved and come out of it disappointed that people actually BELIEVE that that the whole LEAVE campaign can be brought down to a lunchtime argument over McDonald's or KFC.
What about when you go for the bargain bucket and suddenly realise that you have not only agreed to have lunch there today, tomorrow, next week, next year next century ad infinitum. You have no choice, thats it, you have to have it every day NO MATTER WHAT.
And when the bargain bucket cost doubles, triples, quadruples and increases exponentially by 100x and you are still contracted to get your daily bargain bucket.
The quantity of the chicken content gets less and less and the quality goes downhill but there's nothing you can do about it.
You find out that are subsidising feeding every indigent in the city who work less and less because you're paying for their own bargain bucket every day
Suddenly the freedom of choice at McDs today seems great because if you don't like it, well there's always Burger King, Domino's, Subway and thousands of others you can eat in afterwards because you have a choice of what and where you eat.
Thats a bit of a non sequitur. You say that business travel is a low proportion, but then suggest that tourism isn't the problem. The environment doesn't care about how much people pay for their tickets, it's the number of flights and by your reckoning most of them must be for tourism.
Excuse me, I'm not "sneering at anyone". (if anything you'll find me sneering at rich people). Just pointing out the facts of one of the many environmental problems that people continue to ignore because it's uncomfortable.
So you don't argue that people fly more now because it's so cheap. Do we just let people do whatever they want, no matter what the damage? I presume you think that petrol should be untaxed? My original argument was the anomoly of the taxation.
so over about £500 you would spend abroad you lose out on £20 ish
I think I can live with this
It's not a non sequitor. Profitability comes from the business sector who will absorb costs to a greater extent. Therefore airlines will continue to subsidise cheap tourist flights out of their business profits and the majoirty of any tax rise would be absorbed right there.
No you're definitely no sneering. You picked out stag weekends on low cost airlines to Esatern Europe purely at random![]()
Best you go back to living in a cave, you might be more suited to life there maybe?
Best you go back to living in a cave, you might be more suited to life there maybe?
Apologies for late reply; three days of family business.
Your announcement that the Leave campaign could only be charged with making a we-can-have-our-cake-and-eat-it claim when one of their spokesmen was actually recorded saying "We can have our cake and eat it" insults the intelligence of anyone with more than two brain cells. It's a generic term not just a literal one as everyone apart from you surely knows. Others have dealt your nonsense very well, but the example of a HOCAEI claim I would have quoted was the most famous claim of all. The £350m for the NHS assumed that we could stop paying that sum of money over to the EU and suffer not a single financial consequence as a result. Cummins magicked that the £350m (wrong in itself) was a net figure, not a gross one. No wonder he now lies at the heart of government.
And are you surprised there was a Boris bounce in the polls? The only surprise most people feel is that it wasn't bigger - even May had a better one. As you say though, it will be interesting to see how things progress.
Boik is actually talking sense. Maybe it's you that belongs in the cave.
I'm not spinning anything. Just stating numbers as applied three years ago.