I've changed this
- Nov 1, 2017
- 2,721
Nor do you!
Nor do you!
Again, if you support a party run by a racist what does that make you?
If India were playing Pakistan in cricket I’d support India, I’m not Indian.
Given you've just called anyone who voted for the Brexit Party a racist I assume you'll be happy for the mods to remove your posts too ..... being your statement is a lie ?
How silly. If you backed India you would be supporting and Indian cricket team. If you back Farage you are supporting a racist.
I haven't seen the constituency by constituency breakdown on a first past the post basis, and weighted for General Election turnout and voting intention and possible Green / LD pacts etc. but hope Prof Curtis is working on it !A quite convincing majority supported the new Brexit Party which it should be remembered was only launched SIX weeks ago.
Should it come to an election and they ran fundamentally on the one issue which divides the nation then you would find you would have a PM called Nigel Farage as all the Remain votes would be divided into all the other remain parties such as Lib Dem, Green, whereas the Leave voters would be drawn to only one Party, BREXIT.
Tread carefully UK politicians
I think clamp that I will concede a certain point. The mass of European peoples have to be co-operative. That however should not take central, ultimate defense or economic powers away from the nation state.[/QUOTE
I think we’ll see the end of nation states soon enough. Britain exists in name only and you could argue similarly for each divided kingdom. Much that once glued us together in a common way has largely dissolved including the church, monarchy, class, political parties and even language; instead it’s replaced by a new era of multiculturism that’s still taking shape. Exciting yet terrifying IMO.
You may well be right........but is that by design or accident?
God save our Goldman Sachs, long live our Goldman Sachs, God save the rich........etc.
To be fair, there has been an upsurge in voting for the far right across not only europe but the world over. In general election terms, we still fair very well comparitively in terms of the % of far right votes compared to many other countries, including in western Europe.
Are you watching these results or just trying to **** into remain tissues?
You mean apart from the Telegraph ?
"No - the rest of the EU will be voting over the next few days. It is a criminal offence for any country in the EU to publish exit polls, or any information about how people have voted during the election, before 22:00 BST on Sunday 26 May. "
Or indeed the Express.
That doesn't really tell the full story. Yes, there has been a rise in far-right nationalist votes but there's been an even bigger rise in Green votes. So, it's certainly not true to say that parliament as a whole has moved right.
Formerly United Kingdom - The FUK.I must admit the Tories have done a fantastic job of dividing our United KIngdom.
It’s my opinion that Farage is deeply racist. As a youth he presented as an outspoken racist. However, he also craves power. He’s not stupid and realised that being an obvious racist would not win mainstream votes and distanced himself from his past and any outspoken racists.
He reinvented himself as a man of the people, the bloke down the pub. Brexit is the perfect vehicle for this covert racist to ride into power on. The acceptable face of racism that racists can vote for and still claim to not be racist. He’s very clever and positioned himself perfectly.
As I have stated before. Once covert racists get people to vote for them it’s not long before they are accepting overt racism. History bears this out.
He’s a dangerous racist who cares not a jot for the people of the U.K.
People need time off NSC for this, sick and tired of people being called racists. MODS please do something about this.
Mods won't do anything about it seeing the are all for remain so happy for the insults to pass