May's written to The EU requesting an extension to June 30th.
Will that require the UK to hold EU Parliament elections? When does the new Parliament begin?
Elections have to be by the end of May, the new parliament is seated from July 1.
I can only think she's done this in the knowledge, or based on the assumption, that The EU will turn it down and only offer a longer extension (if at all of course) as outlined by Tusk so she can turn round and say 'Not my fault'.
True enough, we have fought two World Wars in order to free Europe from tyranny and yet we have decided to turn our backs and walk away ?
Probably, or hoping no elections will be needed as there will be no need for new MEPs.
Of course if the EU agrees to June 30th and we don't hold MEPs then it is Deal or No Deal.
Either way she is looking hard for a scapegoat.
Hard Border for you then ?
Will that require the UK to hold EU Parliament elections? When does the new Parliament begin?
Your info graphic, if you look at the raw data (this means numbers not pretty bar charts, difficult I know) was taken from the survey that I linked to. Which you obviously didn't read properly. This, combined with your view that No Deal is a good outcome for The UK, has pegged you as being too thick to bother engaging in conversation with.
And you know what that means.........
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Know the company that you are now keeping.
You're peddling falsehoods. There will be NO hard border end of. The UK is not going to enforce it, the Irish have said they're not going to enforce it, so do tell who you think is going to build it? I assumed you watched QT last night?the Irish MEP stated they would categorically not build a hard border..... Yesterday Merkel was asked about it and before any of this happened it was already reported that the EU and Ireland had already made plans for no harder border in case of our leaving on WTO...... This is a complex political issue not simplistic rule based issue, there is no political will on either side to put up a border, both countries who could have stated clearly they won't, it just won't happen ... But do keep pushing this myth of it gives you comfort!
It’s more the Little Scotlanders isn’t it that will end the Union? About time though, the UK is fractured and out dated. All over the world and Europe especially larger states have devolved into more smaller, more ethnically concentrated countries so why not here? It may even help England forge a new identity, independent from Celtic belligerence and their romantic quest for ‘freedom’.
I agree that the EU have approached every aspect of this like a mature, responsible group of experienced politicians.
But to be honest, it hasn't exactly been challenging for them. The vast majority of the time they have spent as bemused bystanders while this whole sorry farce has winded it's way to it's expected and totally predictable conclusion. That there are only two implementable options and neither of them include unicorns galloping freely over rolling green pastures![]()
That list says far more about your closed mind than anything about those on it. And yes I know, I'm on it so you won't read this !
I'm afraid, my friend, it is you who is peddling falsehoods. If there was a solution, whereby we wouldn't be in the customs union and wouldn't need a hard border, what is it and why would we need 'the backstop' ?
(Your link that you have quoted says Merkel will offer an extension keeping us in the Customs Union to avoid a hard border)
This is about the EU putting pressure on Ireland to put in place processes for a hard border (even threatening to put a border between the EU and Ireland if they don't comply).
here is the European Commission's chief spokesman making it clear that there would have to be a hard border
And here is what Angela Merkel did last week
Angela Merkel will travel to Dublin on Thursday to deliver a blunt warning to the Irish government that the time for avoiding the border question is over. In a no-deal scenario, Dublin will be forced to control the entry of goods into the single market from Northern Ireland.
“They’ve done nothing so far,” said a senior EU diplomat. “It can’t continue like this. It doesn’t mean walls on the border but action has to be taken. In the end, you can’t escape reality.”
It is, and has always been very clear, no Customs Union means a Hard Border.
Maybe you are not peddling falsehoods, maybe you have just been completely mistaken for the last 3 years
So the choice is the same as it has always been, Customs Union or Hard Border ?
Really!? Some very privilaged people here then.
Bloody hell, you still peddling your "know all" know nothing crap on here. .
You might want to get off this forum, and put head out into the real world for 5 minutes. You are about as clueless as your average MP when it comes to Brexit.
How many of your 10,000 posts have been in this thread. I bet it would easy to work out how many of them had your opinion in them, (ZERO) and not some obscure link to try and prove your point, which everyone apart from you is probably still trying to work out what it is.
You going to the Semi tomorrow, or are you going to spend another day on here with a semi, in case someone needs some links posting!
So summing up then after MP`s agreed to carry out the result of the Referendum ,the Remain MP`s which is mostly Remain on the Labour side have been trying to overturn the result causing chaos which is nothing to do with the voters all we can do is watch . We expect the MP`s to abide by the result why have a referendum in the first place its very odd .?