Mo Gosfield
Well-known member
- Aug 11, 2010
- 6,392
Thread is well worth a read
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The ' CRIMINABLES ' would love that.
Thread is well worth a read
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The biggest lies came from the remain side with project fear.
Leave campaign had all their arguments grilled over in the media and we still voted LEAVE.
It seems to me that this is one subject that people feel in their hearts as being the right thing. Very few people have changed their minds. Most remain voters have accepted the result of the 1st referendum.
A second referendum wouldn't be democratic because people would not turn out to vote in protest at being ignored.
I have voted consistently in every election, my mother was keen to get across how important it was to exercise my democratic right, after all women had died so I could put my X in the box.
A second referendum would be my first abstention...[/QUOTE]
Speaking of UKIP, I see Neil Hamilton is now clear 2nd favourite ahead of the Tories for the Newport West by-election today.
Here we go.... Those who voted leave didn't know what they were voting for? It's so condescending.
If you followed all the political debate at the time, the government and senior Labour figures pre vote said if we vote to leave that we would leave the EU, the customs union, the single market. That the referendum was either once in a lifetime of once in a generation etc. The Ballot paper conferred that with do you wish to "leave the European Union"
Then parliament voted to trigger article 50 of the Lisbon treaty, an EU treaty law, that clearly shows the process of leaving EU, is a 2 year window ending with full leaving of all EU institutions and the EU political union. And that is it, the rest is added later, That was the facts of process known before the vote....... after the vote parliament overwhelmingly voted to trigger that process by triggering article 50.
Of course leaving for some was about singular issues like immigration etc, but it's simplistic in the extreme to suggest that all leave voters voted on a simplistic notion or single issue. I wouldn't suggest remainers are I'll informed or don't know what the vote on, they simply have fundamental difference of opinion of long term outlook for the UK.
fwiw leaving on most favourable terms is of course most preferable, but "a deal" is not part of that legal article 50 process. The process was clear as were political declarations from both major parties prior to the referendum. Could anyone of predicted where we are now? No, but that's hugely in part by an incompetent PM and remain MPs trying to circumvent leaving by any means.
That should terrify Tory HQ.... UKIP were always a bunch of oddballs, now some of the more serious players have jumped ship, it's just crackpots and rascists left..... Hamilton being the biggest loon
Who shared the stage with Farage last Friday.
Which if nothing else means I know I voted correctly and have no guilt associated with my decision.
Saw this article and thought of you straightaway.
Your info graphic, if you look at the raw data (this means numbers not pretty bar charts, difficult I know) was taken from the survey that I linked to. Which you obviously didn't read properly. This, combined with your view that No Deal is a good outcome for The UK, has pegged you as being too thick to bother engaging in conversation with.
And you know what that means.........
View attachment 107110
Know the company that you are now keeping.
Stat Brother is in Madrid?
Here we go.... Those who voted leave didn't know what they were voting for? It's so condescending.
If you followed all the political debate at the time, the government and senior Labour figures pre vote said if we vote to leave that we would leave the EU, the customs union, the single market. That the referendum was either once in a lifetime of once in a generation etc. The Ballot paper conferred that with do you wish to "leave the European Union"
Then parliament voted to trigger article 50 of the Lisbon treaty, an EU treaty law, that clearly shows the process of leaving EU, is a 2 year window ending with full leaving of all EU institutions and the EU political union. And that is it, the rest is added later, That was the facts of process known before the vote....... after the vote parliament overwhelmingly voted to trigger that process by triggering article 50.
Of course leaving for some was about singular issues like immigration etc, but it's simplistic in the extreme to suggest that all leave voters voted on a simplistic notion or single issue. I wouldn't suggest remainers are I'll informed or don't know what the vote on, they simply have fundamental difference of opinion of long term outlook for the UK.
fwiw leaving on most favourable terms is of course most preferable, but "a deal" is not part of that legal article 50 process. The process was clear as were political declarations from both major parties prior to the referendum. Could anyone of predicted where we are now? No, but that's hugely in part by an incompetent PM and remain MPs trying to circumvent leaving by any means.
Congratulations. Here's what you've won.
Couldn't care less about his location.He's as full of faeces as the dope is.
Stat Brother is in Madrid?
12 April 2016
Out of interest I went to the start of the thread to see if I could find anyone, one of the relentless pro-Brexit campaigners, explaining coherently why they wanted to leave. I wanted to see whether the reasons 'feel' like all this nightmare has been worth it, and whether they had any idea of a plan. After several pages, what I paste below is the best I could find. To think that we had an in-out referendum to resolve 'issues' such as this.
"Out for a few reasons.
I have more belief in this country and it's people's ability to thrive as a more independent nation just like the vast majority of other countries in the world, than those who are happy to defer to an EU overlord.
Prefer to have the chance to vote out the people who make the policies and laws that effect this country.
I would rather this country retain some sort of unique British identity rather than be subsumed into a multicultural mish mash.
Cooperation and partnership with our friends in Europe does not have to be conducted through an ever expanding all encompassing political project which is causing instability across Europe.
I welcome controlled immigration but we haven't got it. Immigration is too high over 50% of the public think this is a concern only by voting out do we regain the power to stem the flow.
I would rather the insufficient housing stock and any future builds be prioritised for UK citizens. Same goes for jobs.
This is a once in a lifetime chance they won't let us near real power ever again, far to risky, so think long term ... an inevitable drive to a Superstate including Turkey. There's another 70 million potential new UK citizens. Probably be bullied into having the Euro using the same doomsday arguments by the same vested interests at some point.
We can better spend the £13 Billion we sent to Brussels last year on projects like the NHS or revitalising a UK steel industry.
For those who are more anti establishment/ big business minded perhaps ask why the UK/European elites combined with big business all want us to stay in and threaten numerous doomsday scenarios if we dare think differently.
This will be the only chance we will ever get to exercise true direct power over the future of this country it would be a shame to do as we're told. "
Can't stand the bloke. He keeps trying to stir up trouble for our friends in Brussels. He should leave them alone to get on with their work, sorting out their accounts for the last 20 years. I need a good laugh.
Awww I'm flattered. Does this mean you are going to finally give up the silly pretence that you aren't reading my posts?
Consulting the public about our future relationship with Europe and getting a specific democratic mandate for a chosen path was long over due especially considering the changes that have occurred since we joined the EC. One of the flaws undermining the whole EU project is the political class driving forward their ever closer union agenda leaving the public behind. Continue on that course and it will all end it tears.