We wunt be druv
No surprise that many of the remainiac regulars on here think the Beeb is biased towards Brexit ... people at the partisan extremes of an argument often see bias in anything that challenges their world view.
According to a YouGov poll on this topic from last year more, Remainers think the Beeb is anti-Brexit than pro-Brexit while the vast majority either think it balanced or don't know.
Meanwhile, analysis of three of the BBC's flagship news panel shows found an overwhelming majority of Remain panellists (over 70%).
It's basically because I just find the BBC News Channel not as good in comparison to Sky News, combined with my enduring brand loyalty toward them from it being my main source of news from The UK when I didn't live here.
Their coverage of the riots in 2011 was excellent for example back then, and softened the blow of feeling I was missing out on the fun by being 8000 miles away, not here.
23 days away from no deal civil disorder though, so I wont be missing out this time.